Meeting between officers and Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council
21st March 2018
Purpose of Meeting : To discuss technical details of the implementation of a safe crossing of the A944 as
required by proposed Condition 6 related to application Ref.No 170021 for a new football stadium for
Aberdeen Football Club at KIngsford
Aberdeen City Council ‐ Gale Beattie (Interim Chief Officer ‐ Strategic Place Planning),
(Development Management Manager),
(Team Leader, Roads Developments),
(Team Leader Development Management),
(Senior Planner), Minute taker TBC
Aberdeenshire Council ‐ Robert Gray (Head of Planning and Building Standards),
(Transportation Manager)
The meeting will be chaired (Gale Beattie or
) and minuted by ACC. Minmutes will be
circulated for agreement after the meeting.
1. Introductions
2. Discussion of factual matters related to the type and technical design of the crossing of the
Given that this is a live application the meeting will not involve any discussion of the merits of the
conditions, alternative wording of conditions, alternative solutions to transport or parking issues or any
other aspect of the merits of the application.