Barbara Pajkowski
19 March 2018 15:46
Robert Gray
Cc:'; Gale Beattie;
AFC Kingsford Meeting (Shire.City) 21.3.18
AFC Kingsford Meeting (Shire.City) 21.3.18.docx
Please find attached an agenda for our meeting on Wednesday.
The meeting is being held on the understanding that there will no attendance by any officers from the respective legal
Best regards
Development Management Manager
Strategic Place Planning
Aberdeen City Council
Business Hub 4
Marischal College
Broad Street
AB10 1AB
Direct Dial: 01224
General Enquiries: 01224 523470
Please note that I do not work on Thursday afternoons
We are always trying to improve the quality of customer service that we provide and would like to know your views
on the service you have received to help us learn what we need to do better. We would very much appreciate you
taking a few moments to fill in our short feedback form by clicking on
Many thanks in advance.
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