Alcohol Test Purchases
Dear North Lanarkshire Licensing Board,
Could you please advise how many test purchases have been made in relation to underage alcohol sales for the period Jan 2013 - October 2015? Where possible please break down by month.
Of these test purchases, please advise how many were recorded as failures? In the event of a failure, please advise how many resulted in the premises license being revoked?
Yours faithfully,
C Henderson
The Licensing Board do not conduct the test purchases therefore I am not able to supply you with the data you request in this regard. Test purchasing is carried out by Police Scotland and I note below the email address for the Police Licensing Team for North Lanarkshire. If you contact them direct with your enquiry they may be able to assist you.
Thank you
Jacqueline Worton
Licensing Administration Manager
Tel: 01698 302459
Email: [email address]
Police Scotland Licensing Contact:
Dear Jacqueline Worton,
Apologies, I will contact Police Scotland. Thanks for your help.
As a side note, would it be Police Scotland who make the decision/recommendation to revoke a premises license, or would they pass the success/failure onto yourselves and then the licensing board investigate/make a decision?
Yours sincerely,
C Henderson
The police could make an application to the Board for a review of a premises licence - that would instigate a process where the Board would have a hearing and if the complaint was upheld it would be the Board that would impose sanctions. There has not been any review of premises licence during the period you enquire about as a result of a failed test purchase. This does not mean there have been no failures during this time, just that nothing of this nature has been reported to the Board.
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