Alcohol licensed premises
Dear Carlisle City Council,
Please find below a request for information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please kindly note my accessibility request.
Details of Request:
Can you please provide the following details from the records which you hold under The Licensing Act 2003:-
A full list of all premises who are currently allowed to have the sale of alcohol on their premises. The list needs to contain the following:
• Premises Licence Number
• Date Issued
• Premises Licence Status
• Premises Name
• Premises Address
• Premises Postcode
• Premises Telephone Number
• Premises Category e.g. Cafe, Bar, Theatre, Nightclub
• Premises Licence Holder Company Name or Person Title and Full Name (if not a company).
• Premises Licence Holder Address
• Premises Licence Holder Postcode
• Designated Premises Supervisor Name
• Designated Premises Supervisor Address
• Designated Premises Supervisor Postcode
Due to visual requirements, I kindly ask that you don't provide links to databases. If this is essential( and it would be a huge help if it were not), please no database/ page links that are not Level AA conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0
Requested format:
Please provide the information in an Excel Spreadsheet format , preferably Microsoft Excel (*.xls). If you cannot supply the information in this format please can you explain why?
Thank you in advance for your help on this matter. Please feel free at any point to contact me to discuss my request further by reply e-mail.
Yours faithfully,
Patrick O'Neil
Dear Mr O’Neil
Please find attached acknowledgment of your request under the Freedom of
Information Act
Frances Braithwaite
Corporate Information/SHE Support Officer
Governance and Regulatory Services
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre
Telephone 01228 817060
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Dear Mr O’Neil
Please find attached response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act
Frances Braithwaite
Corporate Information/SHE Support Officer
Governance and Regulatory Services
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre
Telephone 01228 817060
This e-mail and its attachments may include confidential information or
protectively marked material up to RESTRICTED, should be handled
accordingly and is solely for use by the intended recipient(s). If you
have received this e-mail and its attachments in error please notify the
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are not necessarily those of Carlisle City Council. Carlisle City Council
has scanned this e-mail and its attachments to ensure that they are virus
free. The Council can take no responsibility if a virus is actually
present and you are advised to make the appropriate checks to confirm that
they are virus free.
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