We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr Jones please sign in and let everyone know.

Albany/Silksworth pit wheels

We're waiting for Mr Jones to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Sunderland City Council,

Please provide a full breakdown of costs connected with the move and installation of pit wheels in Albany and Silksworth.

Please include which budget bears each cost and if the value is under/over the original budget. For all expenses, please advise which elected official(s) approved the funding, or if council officer, under which senior directors approval.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Jones

Solicitor - Freedom of Information, Sunderland City Council

2 Attachments

Re: Your request for information concerning:


Pit Wheels - Albany & Silksworth


The Council aims to provide available information promptly and in any
event within 20 working days, unless, exceptionally, there is a need to
consider whether the information is exempt from disclosure.


I will contact you again soon in connection with your request.


Please quote the reference below if you contact the Council regarding this


Customer Request Number: FOI_6382






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Dear Solicitor - Freedom of Information,

This request is now overdue.

Please provide the information or an update ASAP.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Jones

OCEFOI, Sunderland City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Jones,


I refer to your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the Council does hold this
information, as detailed below.


Please provide a full breakdown of costs connected with the move and
installation of pit wheels in Albany and Silksworth.

Fees and Surveys 6,630
Planning Consents 584
Removal of Pit Wheel from Albany to Silksworth 4,007
Refurbishment costs of Albany Pit Wheel 8,850
Re-siting costs 66,700
Landscaping costs 2,500
Preliminaries 7,900
Management Fees 16,192
Silksworth - Actual Cost £113,363
Refurbishment of the F Pit Wheel 13,380
Infrastructure costs 58,916
Management Fees 18,100
Albany - Estimated Cost £90,396



Please include which budget bears each cost and if the value is under/over
the original budget. The costs have been met via a combination of Area
Committee Neighbourhoods Fund, Crowd Funding and the Council’s revenue and
capital budgets.


For all expenses, please advise which elected official(s) approved the
funding, or if council officer, under which senior directors approval. The
Area Committee funding was approved by West Area Committee and the
remaining revenue and capital funding was approved by the Executive
Director of City Development. 


This information has been provided in response to a Freedom of Information
request and this must be acknowledged in any subsequent use of the
information. In addition, the authority must be notified of any proposed
re-use of this information for commercial or other purposes.


I hope this is satisfactory. If, however, you are dissatisfied with our
response to your request for information, you can ask for the decision to
be reviewed in reply to this letter, however any request for review must
be submitted within 40 days of the date of this freedom of information
response. The review will be removed from the Directorate and coordinated
by the Council’s team of Solicitors. A request for review should be
directed, by email to [1][Sunderland City Council request email] by post or
by hand addressed to Business Support, Sunderland City Council, City Hall,
Plater Way SR1 3DP.


If this fails to resolve your concerns, then you have the right to apply
to the Information Commissioner for a decision.


Kind Regards,



Laura Caldwell

Programmes and Compliance Assistant

City Development Directorate

Sunderland City Council

Email: [2][email address]


     [3]oce20902 Supporting Equality Logo Colour






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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr Jones please sign in and let everyone know.