Air pollution on the A40 Norther Bypass, Oxford and the date of its inclusion in an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)

Waiting for an internal review by Oxford City Council of their handling of this request.

Dear Oxford City Council,

I understand the the City Council monitors air pollution on the A40 Northern Bypass, Oxford.

Please could you provide me with the annual mean air pollution results from the monitoring station(s) which you maintain on this road, for the last ten years for which you hold this information. ie excluding this year as it is not complete; the other ten years!

Please could you tell me on what date - the year is sufficient - that the A40 Northern Bypass, Oxford was declared an AQMA or included in one.

Thank-you for your help and assistance

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wood

Freedom of Information Team, Oxford City Council

Dear Andrew Wood

Environmental Information Regulations Request, Oxford City Council -
Reference: EIR2024/01249

Thank you for your email. Your request was received on 5 November 2024 and
you will be sent a response by in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR),
subject to the information not being exempt or containing reference to a
third party.

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX

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Freedom of Information Team, Oxford City Council

Dear Andrew Wood

Please find below a response to your request for information received on 5

All current and historic air quality monitoring locations in Oxford can be
found in our relatively new website here:

The entire administrative area of the city of Oxford is an AQMA since 2010

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Officer

Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX

Website: [1] | Follow us on Twitter:
[2] | Like us on Facebook:


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Dear Freedom of Information Team,

Thank-you for your reply.

I checked the website as you suggested. For the A40 Northern Bypass then only two years information for NO2 air pollution is shown - for this year and last year (2023). See:

I notice that this site has the highest air pollution of the sites shown on the map of Oxford and its surroundings at the present time. Furthermore, in 2023 then the annual figure of 42 microgrammes per m3 exceeded the legal limits for this pollutant of 40 microgrammes per m3 .

This causes concern as presently the County and City Council have no adequate strategy to reduce the air pollution even though it is in an Air Quality Management Area.

I would appreciate if you would provide the data requested in my original request as simply referring a person to an online map which does not show the data requested, does not fulfil your legal duties in regard to the Freedom of Information Act and relevant legislation.

I am requesting an internal review in regard to my original request for information.

Thank-you for your help and assistance. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Wood