Air Conditioning Inspection Report Environmental Compliance Audit (commonly known as an ACI TM44)
Dear Barton Court Grammar School,
This request relates to Environmental Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting, which is mandatory for buildings which are air conditioned above a statutory minimum size. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government track offenders.
Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are legally compliant on the TM44 mandatory environmental matter? Provide the name, position, address, email address and direct telephone number of the responsible person.
Q. All reports are mandatorily lodged on MHCLG database. No reports are currently lodged or are out of date for your School, you are therefore non-compliant. Has your Governing Body been made aware of this breach?
Q. Air Conditioning and Air Handling Systems may cause increased risk of Covid-19 spread, have you covered off the issue, along with TM44 Inspections, in any Return to Work Risk Assessments?
Q. Provide the name and email address of the Board Principal.
Q. Do you teach your Pupils about the environment?
Yours faithfully,
Jessica Thomas
Dear Ms Thomas
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received below.
We will endeavour to reply to this within 20 working days or by Monday 16 November 2020.
Kind regards
Mrs R Light
Personnel/PA to HT/EHT
Barton Court Academy Trust
01227 464600
Dear Ms Thomas,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request with regard to ACI
TM44. Please see below for answers to your various queries...
1. The responsible person for ensuring that our buildings are legally
compliant on the TM44 mandatory environmental matter is myself. My
details are at the bottom of this email.
2. We do not have any reports currently lodged on the MHCLG database, as
until now, I had been unaware of the regulations. Now that I am aware, I
am arranging for a compliance visit and will ensure that this is renewed
every 5 years as per the regulations. Our air con units are regularly
serviced. The Governing Body will be made aware of this.
3. The Trust has a Covid 19 risk assessment in place in which the use of
air conditioning is included. We have limited the use of air conditioning
and only use it where necessary ensuring that there is a good feed of
fresh air to mitigate the risk as per HSE guidance.
4. The Chairman of the Governing Body is Dr William Speed. You can email
him via our Clerk to Governors on [1][email address].
5. The environment is very much imbedded into our curriculum and we also
have an after-school club devoted to Environmental studies.
Kind regards
Tracey Swift
Mrs T Swift | Trust Finance and Premises Manager/EVC
Barton Court Academy Trust
Barton Court Grammar School | Longport, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1PH
The Charles Dickens School | Broadstairs Road, Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 2RL
Tel: (01227) 464600 (Barton Court Grammar School)| (01843) 608689 (Charles
Dickens School)
E-mail: [2][email address] | Website: [3]
E-mail: [4][email address] | Website: [5]
Barton Court Academy Trust: A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England - Company Number: 07711925
Registered Office: Barton Court Grammar School, Longport, Canterbury,
Kent, CT1 1PH.
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