Air Conditioning Inspection Report Environmental Compliance Audit (commonly known as an ACI TM44)

Jessica Thomas made this Freedom of Information request to Avonbourne Girls Academy This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Avonbourne College, Bournemouth,

This request relates to Environmental Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting, which is mandatory for buildings which are air conditioned above a statutory minimum size. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government track offenders.

Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are legally compliant on the TM44 mandatory environmental matter? Provide the name, position, address, email address and direct telephone number of the responsible person.
Q. All reports are mandatorily lodged on MHCLG database. No reports are currently lodged or are out of date for your School, you are therefore non-compliant. Has your Governing Body been made aware of this breach?
Q. Air Conditioning and Air Handling Systems may cause increased risk of Covid-19 spread, have you covered off the issue, along with TM44 Inspections, in any Return to Work Risk Assessments?
Q. Provide the name and email address of the Board Principal.
Q. Do you teach your Pupils about the environment?

Yours faithfully,

Jessica Thomas

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Sent request to Avonbourne Girls Academy again, using a new contact address.

FOI ULT, Avonbourne Girls Academy

Good Afternoon,

We acknowledge receipt of your freedom of information request below. We will respond to you within 20 working days.

Please note that for the proprietors of academies a working day is defined as a day when the pupils are in school.

Kind Regards

The FOIA Team

United Learning
Worldwide House
Thorpe Wood
Peterborough, PE3 6SB

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FOI Response not received – reference request of 09/10/2020
Please respond to our FOI or advise why we have not yet had a response. Legally, you must respond within 20 working days.
Responding to our request is important, we are compiling an accurate national database and your contribution would be a positive step.
Please be aware that your responses (or lack of) will be forwarded to MHCLG, Government Environment Departments, the Environment Agency and other interested Environmental/Covid-19 Groups.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Thomas

FOI ULT, Avonbourne Girls Academy

Dear Jessica,

Please see the below responses to your Freedom of Information request.

1. Responsible person is Jason Glister Operations Manager, Avonbourne Academy, , Harewood Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6NZ. [email address]. 01202 398451
2. Currently locating any historic reports, I have obtained 3 quotes and waiting on notification from our insurance company Zurich if they have carried this inspection out or will carry out this inspection in near future. Governing body will be made aware if this on next meeting.
3. Air condition units have been covered in the return-to-work risk assessment; they are localised so only work in each classroom they are fitted to.
4. Principle is Mr B Nash email [email address].
5. The environment is taught to pupils.

Kind regards

The FOIA Team

United Learning
Worldwide House
Thorpe Wood
Peterborough, PE3 6SB

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