Air Conditioning Inspection Report Environmental Compliance Audit (commonly known as an ACI TM44)

The request was successful.

Dear Chelsea Academy,
This request relates to UK Environmental Legislation, specifically Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting, which is mandatory for UK buildings which are air conditioned above a statutory minimum size.

Q. How many buildings do you occupy which have air conditioning. Provide addresses?
Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are legally compliant on this mandatory environmental matter? Provide the name, position, address, email address and direct telephone number of the responsible person.
Q. All reports are mandatorily lodged on a Government database. No reports are currently lodged or are out of date, you are therefore non-compliant. Has your Governing Body been made aware of this breach?
Q. Provide the name and email address of the ultimate person who has made the decision to ignore this Environmental Legislation.
Q. Provide the name and email address of the Board Principal/Director of the Organisation.
Q. If you use a Facilities Management Company to manage compliance, who are they?

Yours faithfully,

Scott Davies

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Sent request to Chelsea Academy again, using a new contact address.

Dear Chelsea Academy,
FOI Response not received – reference request of 25/10/2019
Please respond to our FOI or advise why we have not yet had a response. Legally, Public Authorities must respond within 20 working days.
It is clear that you are flouting Environmental Legislation by not complying with statutory reporting, and not lodging compliant reports on the Government Database (a Public Record).
Please be aware that your responses (or lack of) will be forwarded to Government Environment Departments and other interested Environmental Groups.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Davies

Admin, Chelsea, Chelsea Academy

Dear Mr Davis

Please note that we have no individual system greater than 12kw and what
we have are not linked by way of a central control therefore we do not
exceed the 12kw limit and thus we are exempt from TM44.

Administration Team
Chelsea Academy  

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