Dear Sam,
Please see attached document for Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
replacement response to your FOI request regarding data agreement...
In this earlier FOI request, RNOH has disclosed that they provided inaccurate response:
Dear Sam,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference SH210322. Please find...
Freedom of Information Request – Response
Our ref: 08-05 DL100424
Dear Deborah
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received b...
Freedom of Information Request – Response
Our ref: 31-05 SJ03052024
Dear Scott,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received...
Dear Niklas,
We refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act, reference NM200223.
Please note the Royal Nati...
Freedom of Information Request – Response
Our ref GK300124
Dear Georgina Kovacs
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received...
Freedom of Information Request – Acknowledgement
Our ref: 23-05 JK240424
Dear Jake,
We acknowledge your Freedom of Information (FoI) Act request...
Dear Requestor,
See responses in red below
For each year (2020 – 2022), please confirm how many cyberattacks your
Trust has suffered?
Dear Oliver,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, this has been logged under reference OC120123.
Please note th...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that we are a tertiary orthopaedic Trust and we provide orthopaedic service only; thus, we do not consider that this reque...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that your request does not seem to concern our specialist orthopaedic services. Please have a look at our services and adv...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that we provide orthopaedic services only and this request does not apply to us. For more information about our services,...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that we do not consider this FOI request relevant to our tertiary orthopaedic services. Please have a look at our services...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that we are a tertiary Trust and we offer orthopaedic services only. Please have a look at our services https://www.rnoh.n...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that our Trust provides orthopaedic services only and we do not consider that this FOI request applies to our hospital. Fo...
Dear Phil,
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital's response to your FOI request
is attached.
Kind regards,
Anna Fox
Communications Manager...
Dear Angela,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference AJ020323.
Dear Emmanuel,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference EP140223.
Dear Miss Kovacs,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference GK270223.
We aim...
Dear Gearoid,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference GB211222.
Dear Harriet,
We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act,
this has been logged under reference HC210223.
Dear Requestor,
Apologies for the late reply. Please note that we find the request to be very generic; would it be possible to narrow down the request...
Dear Yohannes,
Thank you for your email below regarding FOI YL290922.
We are currently undergoing a full Six Facet Survey, we are unable to clarify a...
Dear Requestor,
Please note that our Trust provides tertiary specialist services. Kindly have a look at our services and let us know if this FOI reque...