AHP Agency Spend & Recruitment Process
Dear Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust,
I am researching temporary staffing processes and spend within the NHS. Can you provide accurate answers and information to the following questions please:
Q1: What contractual relationships (Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor, Direct Engagement or Other) do you have in place for the supply of AHP locums to the Trust? Please state the name(s) of the various provider/locum agencies used and the relationship with each (e.g. Medacs, direct, Interact, Master Vendor etc.)
Q2: Please state the utilisation rate that has been achieved through each of the relationships detailed in Q1 during the financial year 2017-18. This should amount to the total value of AHP locum spend supplied by each relationship during 2017-18 as a percentage of total AHP locum spend in the same period. (example below)
Provider Spend= %
agency 1- £133,271= 10.14
agency 2- £1,118,496= 85.1
agency 3- £2,310= 0.18
agency 4- £1,343= 0.10
agency 5- £1,245= 0.09
agency 6- £57,679= 4.39
Total: £1,314,344= 100.00
Q3: Please can you break down your total spend on Allied Health Professional (AHP) agency staff during the financial year 2017-18 by the specialisms below:
• Chiropodist/Podiatrist,
• Dietician,
• Occupational Therapist,
• Physiotherapist,
• Prosthetist / Orthotist,
• Imaging Professionals,
• Speech / Language Professionals.
Yours faithfully,
Alex Blackwell
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