Agency Use 2022 - 2023

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sport England,

For the use of agencies, please can you confirm if Sport England works under, Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160 and the new CCS Non-Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277.

Please can you confirm the list of agencies that have supplied to the company under the framework through the dates of January 2022 – December 2022.

For the same 12-month period, please can you provide the list of agencies that have supplied to you staff outside of the framework CCS Framework RM6160 .

Please outline your spending per agency, broken down by grade and speciality of roles or lots department for the above time period.

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

Please can you confirm on what occasions you would look to go outside of the framework for roles as below;

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

Please can you confirm the highest agency hourly charge rate and their speciality staffing, for;

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

What contractual relationships are in place for supplying Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160 and the new CCS Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277.

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

And who is responsible for managing them?

Please can you please provide me with the name, contact number & email address of the person responsible for agreeing on staffing contracts for your organisation

Please can you provide details of the names of the decision-makers who ultimately decide which agencies your organisation uses for non-clinical staff for CCS Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277 and the previous Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160.

Yours faithfully,

Alice Jenks

FOI, Sport England


Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your correspondence to Sport England. 

Please accept this email as confirmation that your message has been
received by Sport England’s FOI mailbox. 


If you have submitted a FOI request, you will receive an acknowledgement
of your message within five working days. 


If you have submitted a query or complaint, we will endeavour to send you
a response within twenty working days.  


Thank you, 

The Information Governance Team  


The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]

Sport England

Dear Ms Jenks,


Thank you for your recent email in which you request confirmation of the
frameworks that Sport England works with and the list of agencies that
have been supplied to the company. Your email was received on 20 June 2023
and is being responded to by the Information Governance Team as we are
responsible for responding to requests for information held by Sport


As a public body, Sport England is subject to the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and we will handle your request in accordance with
the terms set out in the Act. We will provide you with our full response
promptly and usually within twenty working days. In some circumstances we
may extend this to allow us to consider the public interest; if this is
necessary in your case I will write to you again and explain why.


I will be in touch again in due course and in any event not later than 19
July 2023.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further

Kind regards,


We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Sport England

Dear Ms Jenks,


I am writing further to your request below for information
regarding confirmation of the frameworks that Sport England works with and
the list of agencies that have been supplied to the company. We have
considered your request and I am writing to provide you with the following


For the use of agencies, please can you confirm if Sport England works
under, Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160
and the new CCS Non-Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277.

•        Sport England works under Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term
Staff CCS Framework RM6160. 

Please can you confirm the list of agencies that have supplied to the
company under the framework through the dates of January 2022 – December

Adecco UK Limited
Badenoch and Clark Limited
Brook Street
Gatenby Sanderson Limited
IT Works Health Ltd
Law Absolute
MLC Partners
Office Angels UK (Part of Adecco Group)
Page Personnel
Real Staffing Computer Futures
Reed Specialist Recruitment Limited
Roberston Bell Ltd
Spring Technology
Tile Hill Interim and Executive
Venn Group Limited


For the same 12-month period, please can you provide the list of agencies
that have supplied to you staff outside of the framework CCS Framework
RM6160 .

Rainmaker People
Language Matters


Please outline your spending per agency, broken down by grade and
speciality of roles or lots department for the above time period.

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Job Title Department Agency used Spend (Invoice
Place : Planning Pertemps £16,016.8
Strategy, Insight & Performance Office Angels UK £11,582.4
- HR
Place : Planning Office Angels UK £32,342.4
Finance & Corporate Services - Brook Street £25,220.8
CEO's Office Office Angels UK £16,160.0
Place : Planning Pertemps £7,312.0
Place : Planning Pertemps £3,940.8


Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Job Title Department Agency used Spend 2022 (Invoice
Finance & Corporate MLC Partners £63,091.2
Services - Finance
Finance & Corporate Gatenby Sanderson £227,597.6
Services - Finance Limited
Finance & Corporate Real Staffing £77,055.2
Services - Finance Computer Futures
Finance & Corporate Tile Hill Interim £51,494.4
Services - Finance and Executive


Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

Job Title Department Agency used Spend 2022 (Invoice
Finance & Corporate Networkers £91,584.0
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Networkers £49,536.0
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate IT Works Health Ltd £45,840.0
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Spring Technology £5,299.2
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Spring Technology £23,466.4
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Networkers £86,400.0
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Spring Technology £59,904.0
Services - IT
Finance & Corporate Spring Technology £29,920.0
Services - IT


Please can you confirm on what occasions you would look to go outside of
the framework for roles as below;

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

•   This would be on a case-by-case basis dependent on the needs of the

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

•   This would be on a case-by-case basis dependent on the needs of the

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

•   This would be on a case-by-case basis dependent on the needs of the


Please can you confirm the highest agency hourly charge rate and their
speciality staffing, for;

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Our rates are agreed on a day rate basis, not hourly. In 2022, this was £.

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Our rates are agreed on a day rate basis, not hourly. In 2022, this was £.
Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

Our rates are agreed on a day rate basis, not hourly. In 2022, this was £.


We consider the job titles and highest agency hourly charge rate to be
exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act
2000. The salary rates of our staff constitutes personal data as defined
by the General Data Protection Regulation. Our staff have a reasonable
expectation of privacy and would not expect us to make information about
their working lives public. As such, disclosure of this information would
not be fair and in direct contravention of the first data protection

What contractual relationships are in place for supplying Temporary and
Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160 and the new CCS Staffing Framework
Agreement RM6277.

Lot 1 – administration and secretarial roles

Lot 2 – finance, accounts and audit roles

Lot 3 – IT technicians, analysts and technical engineer specialists

And who is responsible for managing them?


•   A RM6160 Call-Off contract is in place for every agency worker.
Hiring managers are responsible for the management of those Call-Off

Please can you please provide me with the name, contact number & email
address of the person responsible for agreeing on staffing contracts for
your organisation

We consider this information to be exempt from disclosure under section
40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000. The names of our non-senior,
non-public facing staff constitutes personal data as defined by the
General Data Protection Regulation. Our non-senior staff have a reasonable
expectation of privacy and would not expect us to make information about
their working lives public. As such, disclosure of this information would
not be fair and in direct contravention of the first data protection

Please can you provide details of the names of the decision-makers who
ultimately decide which agencies your organisation uses for non-clinical
staff for CCS Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277 and the previous
Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160.

We do not use RM6277 and do not intend to. The decision makers for
existing RM6160 workers will differ based on the role to be recruited and
the delegated authority for that role.  We use the RM6160 CCS Award
Support Tool to support decision making. We consider this information to
be exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act
2000. The names of our non-senior, non-public facing staff constitutes
personal data as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation. Our
non-senior staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy and would not
expect us to make information about their working lives public. As such,
disclosure of this information would not be fair and in direct
contravention of the first data protection principle. 


This completes our response to your information request.


As a public body, Sport England is subject to the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and this means you are entitled to complain if you
are unhappy with the way we have handled your information request and/or
ask us to review our decision. If you would like to complain about the way
we have handled your request or ask for our decision to be reviewed please
contact: [1][Sport England request email] . Please describe your original request,
explain your grounds for dissatisfaction and include an address for
correspondence. All internal reviews are carried out by a colleague who
has not previously been involved in the handling of your information
request. We aim to complete internal reviews within twenty working days.


If you are not content with the outcome of our Internal Review you have
the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. Generally speaking
the Information Commissioner will not be able to consider an appeal unless
you have first exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by Sport


The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:


The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






I hope that this satisfies your information request. 


Kind regards,




We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [3]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [4]Gaile Walters


Visible links
1. mailto:[Sport England request email]
4. mailto:[email address]