Agency Staffing

The request was successful.

Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,

I am compiling a report on agency spend in the NHS. Please kindly provide me with the following information;

The number of locum/temporary/agency Substance Misuse Nurses/Addiction Nurses/Drug & Alcohol Nurses/Prison Nurses/Offender Health Nurses for each calendar month of 2012 i.e.
January 2012 5 Nurses

The number of locum/temporary/agency Substance Misuse Practitioners/Substance Misuse Workers/Recovery Workers/Drug & Alcohol Workers for each calendar month of 2012 i.e.
January 2012 5 Workers

The total monthly fees paid to recruitment agencies for staff working in prison settings for each calendar month of 2012 i.e.
January 2012 £100,000 paid to agencies.

The total monthly fees paid to recruitment agencies for staff working in substance misuse /drug and alcohol teams for each calendar month of 2012 i.e.
January 2012 £100,000 paid to agencies.

Your help in this matter is very much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Shreeve

PAUL Sue - Risk Systems Administrator, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Dear Mr Shreeve


Thank you for your request for information as shown below.


1.      The number of locum/temporary/agency Substance Misuse
Nurses/Addiction Nurses/Drug & Alcohol Nurses/Prison Nurses/Offender
Health Nurses for each calendar month of 2012 i.e. January 2012 5 Nurses


2.      The number of locum/temporary/agency Substance Misuse
Practitioners/Substance Misuse Workers/Recovery Workers/Drug & Alcohol
Workers for each calendar month of 2012 i.e. January 2012 5 Workers


3.      The total monthly fees paid to recruitment agencies for staff
working in prison settings for each calendar month of 2012 i.e. January
2012 £100,000 paid to agencies.


4.      The total monthly fees paid to recruitment agencies for staff
working in substance misuse /drug and alcohol teams for each calendar
month of 2012 i.e. January 2012 £100,000 paid to agencies.



Your request was received on 18^th March 2013 and I am dealing with it
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be in
touch once the information has been collated.




Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator/FOI Officer

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD


Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:           01777 247508


Email address:  [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk Intranet site




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PAUL Sue - Risk Systems Administrator, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Shreeve


Please find attached a response to your recent FOI Reuqest – please
acknowledge receipt for our records.





Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator/FOI Officer

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD


Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:           01777 247508


Email address:  [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk Intranet site




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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://inottshc/departments/Risk%20Manag...