Ref: FOIA Reference 2011/286
Information Governance Department
Computer Building
Date: 9th February 2012
Royal Infirmary
Princes Road
Mr R Charlton
Via email to: request-97554-
Tel: 01782 554040
Fax: 01782 746991
Dear Mr Charlton
Request for Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000)
I write further to your request for information received by the University Hospital of North Staffordshire
NHS Trust (the Trust) on the 19th December 2011 as detailed below:
Please can you provide me with further information on the supply of agency staff to your trust or
authority? Please could you advise on the agency/locum spend for the following categories during the
following time periods:
Staff Categories:
All Allied Health Professions (AHP)
All Health Science Services (HSS)
Radiography / Medical Imaging
Medical Locums (Doctors)
Time periods:
2006 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2007 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2008 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2009 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2010 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March)
2010 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June)
2010 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September)
2010 (Q4 – 1st October – 31st December)
2011 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March)
2011 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June)
2011 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September)
Please outline details of any current framework or preferred supplier list in place for the supply of
agency/locum staff within the above categories to your trust/authority along with details on any
renewal dates or plans to re-procure the agreements.”
The Trust is managing your request using the Trust’s procedures for the disclosure of information in
accordance with the requirements of Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to address your
question(s) I consulted with Trust senior colleagues.
UHNS Response to FOIA Request
I apologise for the delay in responding to your request. Please see attached a copy of a report
detailing the information requested.
Response Queries (Freedom of Information Act 2000).
In relation to the Freedom of Information Act, may I take this opportunity to inform you that the Trust is
fully committed to the Act’s philosophy of openness which allows the public and individuals to ensure
that corporate information is managed and used efficiently in order to assist and support business
functions and decision making with the aim of delivering high quality and appropriate healthcare.
If you have any queries related to the responses provided please in the first instance contact my office.
Of course, you have a right to challenge this response using the Trust’s internal FOIA complaints
procedure. If having exhausted the Trust’s FOIA complaints process you are still not satisfied, then
you are entitled to approach the Information Commissioner and request an assessment of the manner
in which the Trust has managed your request.
The Information Commissioner is an independent officer, appointed by the Crown and reports directly
to Parliament. The Commissioner can request all the documentation relating to this request to
ascertain whether the Trust’s decision was fair and meets the requirements of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
The Information Commissioner may be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or via
If following review of the responses I can be of any further assistance please contact my secretary
Jackie Knowles on 01782 554040.
Yours sincerely
Catherine S. P. Warwick
Information Governance Manager