We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Lianne Garnett please sign in and let everyone know.

Agency spend on Non-Clinical Temporary Staff Lot 6

We're waiting for Lianne Garnett to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust,

Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary staffing on the RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities Management and Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical and Facilities/Works and Estates.

2. The name and contact details for the Manager of The Facilities and Estates department?

Yours faithfully,

Lianne Garnett

Healthcare Delivery Manager

FOI - Freedom of Information, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Corporate and Legal Affairs – Corporate and Committee Services 


Our Reference: GB/FOI/46655 


2 November 2023 


Lianne Garnett 

[1][FOI #1041441 email] 


Dear Lianne Garnett 


Request for Information 


Thank you for your request for information, as received by University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust on 26 October 2023.  I apologise for the
delay in acknowledging your request. Within UHL NHS Trust, Freedom of
Information Act requests are managed centrally by the Corporate and
Committee Services Team.   


The Trust will endeavour to provide a response within the required 20
working-day deadline from receipt.  I will, of course, keep you informed
should this not prove possible for any reason.  If we require any
clarification on your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.   


All requesters are advised that the Trust may make a charge for providing
the information to them, to cover the cost of photocopying, postage and
packaging etc – I confirm that where these costs are below £5.00 in total,
no charge will be made.  All requesters are also advised that there may
also be a charge payable to cover costs of locating the information they
have requested, as laid down in the Freedom of Information Act Regulations
published by the Government in December 2004.  Naturally, if such a charge
is to be applied to your request, you will be informed as soon as


Yours sincerely, 



Sent by Kate Rayns (on behalf of Gill Belton)

Corporate and Committee Services Officer  

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust  


From: Lianne Garnett <[FOI #1041441 email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 2:32 PM
To: FOI - Freedom of Information <[University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Agency spend on Non-Clinical
Temporary Staff Lot 6
Dear University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust,

Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act:

1. The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary staffing on
the RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities Management and
Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical and 
Facilities/Works and Estates.          

2. The name and contact details for the Manager of The Facilities and

Yours faithfully,

Lianne Garnett

Healthcare Delivery Manager


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1041441 email]

Is [University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust? If so, please contact us
using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

show quoted sections

FOI - Freedom of Information, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust


Corporate and Legal Affairs – Corporate and Committee Services


Our Reference: GB/FOI/46655


14 November 2023



Lianne Garnett

[1][FOI #1041441 email]


Dear Lianne Garnett


Request for Information


Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request, which was
received by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust on 26 October and
acknowledged on 2 November 2023.  For information, the University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust is one of the largest and busiest NHS
teaching Trusts in the country. We have nearly 17,000 staff working across
our three hospitals, the Leicester Royal Infirmary, Glenfield Hospital and
Leicester General Hospital, providing 180 NHS services to the residents of
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, and beyond. During 2020/21 we had
more than 1.2 million patient visits and provided specialised care for one
million patients, personalised to their needs.


Following consultation with colleagues from the Directorate for Finance &
Procurement, and Estates and Facilities, I confirm that the University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust holds information covered by your FOI
request.   In your Freedom of Information Act request, you asked for the
following information and the Trust’s response is provided following each
section of your request below:-  


Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act:


1.            The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary
staffing on the RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities
Management and Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between
Admin/Clerical and Facilities/Works and Estates.          


For  the financial year 2022/23


2AN - Level 2 Account Name (Multiple Items)
9CCC - Level 9 Cost Centre
Code (Multiple Items)
Row Labels Sum of Forecast Outturn
Agency 2,757,797
A & C Agency 52,499
Agency Consultant 42,997
Agency Nurse Unqualified
Catering - Agency 402,748
Cleaning Agency 1,151,201
Contract Staffing 119,178
Maint & Works Agency 120,319
Porters - Agency 530,699
Reception - Agency
Security Agency 256,058
Senior Managers - Agency 46,589
Switchboard - Agency 35,511
Grand Total 2,757,797


We are unable to provide a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical
and Facilities/Works and Estates.   To collate this data, we would have to
ask individual managers to review invoices and confirm whether the agency
worker was admin or front line.  We have an average of 285 temporary
staff, and we would need to go through 3,420 invoices. If each invoice
took us 5 minutes, that would mean spending 285 hours to pull this
information and significantly exceed the 18 hour ‘appropriate limit’
provided for under FOI.  Accordingly, and in reliance upon section 12 of
the FOI Act, the Trust will not be progressing this section of your
request any further.  It may be that if you were able to refine your
request, there might be information which could be provided to you within
the 18-hour ‘appropriate limit’.


2.            The name and contact details for the Manager of The
Facilities and Estates department?    

The Director of Estates, Facilities and Sustainability is Michael
Simpson   [2][email address]


I hope that this response is helpful and provides you with the information
requested (where available). If you require any further assistance please
do not hesitate to contact me.  If you are dissatisfied with the Trust’s
response, you can contact the Director of Corporate and Legal Affairs
([3][email address]) to request a copy of UHL’s Freedom of
Information Act complaints procedure.


We must advise you that where we have provided information we have done so
subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information
Regulations 2015.  Accordingly you must not re-use this information
without having the consent of the Trust.  Where the Trust is prepared to
provide its consent then it may levy a charge for doing so. Should you
wish to re-use documents provided then you must make your request in
writing stating your name and your address for correspondence together
with the document that you wish to re-use and the purpose for which the
information is to be re-used.


In the event that you remain dissatisfied with the way in which the Trust
has handled any complaint that you may wish to make, we would advise you
of your right to complain to the Information Commissioner at the
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Tel: 0303 123 1113, website: [4]www.ico.org.uk 


Yours sincerely,



Alison Moss (on behalf of Gill Belton)

Corporate and Committee Services Officer

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust



From: FOI - Freedom of Information <[University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust request email]>
Sent: 02 November 2023 14:26
To: [FOI #1041441 email]
Subject: Acknowledgement of FOI request - Our Ref GB/FOI/46655


Corporate and Legal Affairs – Corporate and Committee Services 


Our Reference: GB/FOI/46655 


2 November 2023 


Lianne Garnett 

[5][FOI #1041441 email] 


Dear Lianne Garnett 


Request for Information 


Thank you for your request for information, as received by University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust on 26 October 2023.  I apologise for the
delay in acknowledging your request. Within UHL NHS Trust, Freedom of
Information Act requests are managed centrally by the Corporate and
Committee Services Team.   


The Trust will endeavour to provide a response within the required 20
working-day deadline from receipt.  I will, of course, keep you informed
should this not prove possible for any reason.  If we require any
clarification on your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.   


All requesters are advised that the Trust may make a charge for providing
the information to them, to cover the cost of photocopying, postage and
packaging etc – I confirm that where these costs are below £5.00 in total,
no charge will be made.  All requesters are also advised that there may
also be a charge payable to cover costs of locating the information they
have requested, as laid down in the Freedom of Information Act Regulations
published by the Government in December 2004.  Naturally, if such a charge
is to be applied to your request, you will be informed as soon as


Yours sincerely, 



Sent by Kate Rayns (on behalf of Gill Belton)

Corporate and Committee Services Officer  

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust  


From: Lianne Garnett <[6][FOI #1041441 email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 2:32 PM
To: FOI - Freedom of Information <[7][University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Agency spend on Non-Clinical
Temporary Staff Lot 6


Dear University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust,

Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act:

1. The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary staffing on
the RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities Management and
Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical and 
Facilities/Works and Estates.          

2. The name and contact details for the Manager of The Facilities and

Yours faithfully,

Lianne Garnett

Healthcare Delivery Manager


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[8][FOI #1041441 email]

Is [9][University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust? If so, please
contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Lianne Garnett please sign in and let everyone know.