We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Lianne Garnett please sign in and let everyone know.

Agency spend on Non-Clinical Temporary Staff Lot 6

We're waiting for Lianne Garnett to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust,

Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary staffing on the RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities Management and Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical and Facilities/Works and Estates.

Yours faithfully,

Lianne Garnett
Healthcare Delivery Manager

FreedomOfInformation, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Ms Garnett


We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 26 October 2023 requesting the
following information


The total agency spend for the last 12 months on temporary staffing on the
RM6160 and RM6277 frameworks Lot 6 (Estates, Facilities Management and
Ancillary Staff) and a breakdown of the split between Admin/Clerical and 
Facilities/Works and Estates.


We will respond within 20 working days.


Yours sincerely

Amanda Godridge



University Hospital Southampton   NHS   Amanda Godridge

                                  Information Governance
NHS Foundation Trust
Tel:  02381 20 (4743)     
Work [mobile number]
  [1][email address]

  Department Emails:

[2][email address]

[3][email address]



show quoted sections

FreedomOfInformation, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Lianne,


Please find attached the Trust's response to your recent Freedom of
Information request. We regret that this response has been delayed and we
have exceeded the twenty day timeframe set by the FOIA.



With regards,


Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Affairs

University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust


show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Lianne Garnett please sign in and let everyone know.