Please ask for:
Lynn Wyeth
Direct Line:
0116 454 1300
Our Ref:
FOI 4100
16 October 2013
Amanda L Walker
Dear Ms Walker
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 Your request for information has now been considered and the Council’s
response to your questions is shown below.
You asked:
I am interested in the amounts paid by all Schools in Leicester LEA to
third parties in relation to temporary agency staffing cover. My hope is
to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts paid through the
department's purchase ledger by school for the last Academic year
ending 2013.
Please can you supply the following information in an excel spread
sheet format:-
School Name – URN or DFE number – agency/supplier name – total
amount paid
Please see attachment for the above information.
Leicester City Council only holds a record of the total agency supply staff
expenditure for each school per financial year and is not broken down further.
So we do not know which suppliers are used by each of the schools.
All schools maintained by the Council have local bank accounts through which
their agency staffing invoices are paid. Please contact individual schools
directly. The link below will take you to a list of schools within the Authority.
learning/about-schools/schools-directory/schools-directory/ Leicester City Council does not hold the information requested. This letter
acts as a refusal notice under section 17.1 of the Freedom of Information Act
2000 because, in accordance with section 1.1 of the Act, the information is not

The legislation allows you to use the information supplied for your own
personal use. Please be aware that any commercial or other use, for example
publication, sale, or redistribution may be a breach of copyright under the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended unless you obtain the
copyright holder's prior permission.
Not all the information that is supplied which is covered by copyright will be
the Council's copyright, for example it may be the copyright of a government
department or another Council. You should seek either the Council’s consent
or their consent as appropriate. The Council is willing to advise you of any
such potential issues on request. In order to make a request to re-use the
information please contact the Information Governance Manager using the
details below.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please write to:
Information Governance Manager Information and Support Leicester City Council
FREEPOST (LE985/33) New Walk Centre LEICESTER LE1 6ZG e-mail:
Your request for internal review should be submitted to the above address
within 40 (forty) working days of receipt by you of this response. Any such
request received after this time will only be considered at the Council’s
absolute discretion.
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow SK9 5AF
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Please be aware that the Information Commissioner does not normally
consider appeals or complaints until the internal appeals and complaints
processes of the public authority which is answering the request have been
exhausted. You are therefore advised to complain or appeal to the
Information Governance Manager before contacting the Commissioner.
Yours sincerely
Lynn Wyeth
Information Governance Manager
Enc : 2013 10 16 Walker 4100 Attachment