Agency Spend

The request was successful.

Dear Humber NHS Foundation Trust,

Please can you provide me with further information on the supply of
agency Staff to your trust/authority. Please could you advise on
the agency/locum spend for the following categories during the
following time periods:

All Allied Health Professions (AHP)
All Health Science Services (HSS)
Radiography / Medical Imaging
Medical Locums (Doctors)

Time periods:
2006 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2007 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2008 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2009 (1st Jan-31st Dec)
2010 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March)
2010 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June)
2010 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September)
2010 (Q4 – 1st October – 31st December)
2011 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March)
2011 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June)
2011 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September)

Please outline details of any current framework or preferred
supplier list in place for the supply of agency/locum staff within
the above categories to your trust/authority along with details on
any renewal dates or plans to re-procure the agreements.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Charlton

Harmer, Graham,

I am out of the office, potentially for the whole of week commencing 19
December 2011. I will be incontact with base, but may not be able to
respond to emails. Please contact Vickie Shaw on 01482 389384 in the first

HUMBER - Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Charlton


I am writing to confirm that the Humber NHS Foundation Trust has now
completed its search for the information which you requested on 19
December 2011.


You asked for

|1.       Please can you provide me with further information on the supply of agency Staff to your |
|trust/authority. Please could you advise on the agency/locum spend for the following categories during |
|the following time periods: |
| |
|     |
| |
|     Categories: |
| |
|     All Allied Health Professions (AHP) |
| |
|     All Health Science Services (HSS) |
| |
|     Radiography / Medical Imaging |
| |
|     Physiotherapy |
| |
|     Pathology |
| |
|     Pharmacy |
| |
|     Mortuary |
| |
|     Nursing |
| |
|     Medical Locums (Doctors)   |
|   |
| |
|     Time periods: |
| |
|     2006 (1st Jan-31st Dec) |
| |
|     2007 (1st Jan-31st Dec) |
| |
|     2008 (1st Jan-31st Dec) |
| |
|     2009 (1st Jan-31st Dec) |
| |
|     2010 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March) |
| |
|     2010 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June) |
| |
|     2010 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September) |
| |
|     2010 (Q4 – 1st October – 31st December) |
| |
|     2011 (Q1 – 1st Jan – 31st March) |
| |
|     2011 (Q2 – 1st April – 30th June) |
| |
|     2011 (Q3 – 1st July – 30th September) |
| |
|  |
| |
|Please see the table below on how much has been spent on agency/locum staff |
| |
|  |
| |
|  2006 2007 2008 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011|
|CLERICAL 105,627 254,211 301,526 306,219 49,564 30,184 43,443 93,573 127,764 61,352 129,179|
|STAFF               453|
|CONSULTANTS 219,965 157,341 281,939 627,588 77,780 134,357 134,146 125,826 153,676 305,810 394,837|
|NURSING 386 -386             37,723|
|GRADE A 232,997 262,090 113,736 94,918 37,453 21,642 25,855 28,104 42,578 29,331 55,453|
|GRADE D 1,915 985 2,687             |
|GRADE E 8,686 20,880 14,989 868             |
|OTHER   44,332 227,894 243,875 59,596 20,532 32,542 4,624 6,502 2,350 2,527|
|MEDICAL             20,419 80,593|
|AGENCY PAMS 157 -157 40 0         98,649 46,591|
|AND TECH 131,293 162,577 310,326 389,619 151,832 58,297 78,644 93,796 142,962 53,596 67,677|
|HO'S   22,485 7,329             |
|HO'S DENTAL   421             |
|STAFF 108,299 35,216             143 1,229 2,086|
|Grand Total 809,325 959,573 1,260,887 1,663,088 376,225 265,013 314,631 345,923 473,625 572,737 817,119|
| |
|  |
| |
|     |
| |
|2.       Please outline details of any current framework or preferred supplier list in place for the |
|supply of agency/locum staff within the above categories to your trust/authority along with details on |
|any renewal dates or plans to re-procure the agreements. |
|The Trust use the GPC framework agreements [1] |
| for Temporary/Permanent Staff in both clinical and non clinical areas |
| |
|  |
| |
|Following the transforming community services programme and the subsequent transfer of East Riding PCT |
|provider services into the Trust in April of this year we now use the Master Vendor agreement put in |
|place by the [2]  for Temporary Allied Health Professionals (AHP). This was |
|made available by the YHCPC following a further competition against the GPC framework agreement in |
|September 2009. |
| |
|  |
| |
|  |


I hope my response has covered all the information which you requested.


To help us measure our performance in responding to Freedom of Information
requests I wonder if you will take a little time to complete the attached
form and return it to me.


The information we have provided to you is copyrighted to the Humber NHS
Foundation Trust and provided to you free of charge for your personal use
or for other specific uses permitted in the Copyright Act. If however you
wish to use the information we have provided for any commercial purposes
including the sale of the information to a third party then, under the
Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005,
you must ask us for permission to do so in respect of each specific piece
of such information. If we do grant such permission this may involve a
licensing arrangement which may attract a fee.


All information provided under Freedom of Information is deemed to be in
the public domain. The Information Commissioner requires as good practice
that organisations make public, information provided from Freedom of
Information requests. The Trust will therefore place a copy of this
response on its website, [3]


If you have any other queries about this letter, please also contact me.


If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision
you should write to:


PALS and Complaints Manager

Trust Headquarters

Willerby Hill

Beverley Road


HU10 6ED


[4]mailto:[email address]


If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the
ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints
procedure provided by the Humber NHS Foundation Trust. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at:


The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Yours sincerely


Graham Harmer

Head of Information Governance and Legal Services


SMARTCARDS = SAFETY, SECURITY, EFFICIENCY - Treat your smartcard like a
credit card and don't lose it or share it with anyone. YOU are responsible
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make a difference. [5]

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4. mailto:[email address]