Agency Spend 2019/2020

The request was successful.

Dear Kirklees College,

Please can you provide me with a breakdown of agency spend at the college by agency and department.

Yours faithfully,

Victoria Edgar

Julie James, Kirklees College

Thank you for your enquiry.

Following Government instruction, all Kirklees College sites are closed
with effect from Friday 20th March due to the Coronavirus outbreak. 
Please note we are dealing with a high number of enquiries so you may not
receive an immediate response.

Kind regards

Julie James

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Kirklees College: creating opportunity, changing lives.


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Rebecca Meara, Kirklees College

7 Attachments

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your request for information dated 16^th June 2020
concerning a Freedom of Information request on Kirklees College.  This
request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Your request was as follows:

Please can you provide me with a breakdown of agency spend at the college
by agency and department?

Your request was not specific regarding timeframe.  For the purposes of
responding to this request I have therefore assumed you require the
current academic year to date.  The data has been derived from our
accounts system and is costs charged under the accruals accounting method
recorded from 1^st August 2019 to 21^st June 2020.

Your request was also not specific regarding the definition of
‘department’.  For the purposes of this request I have assumed that you
require a split between agency cost attached to teaching delivery and
support costs.  Please note that assessor agency costs are included in
‘support’.  In the interest of transparency and because this category is
so significant to the college I have disaggregated support workers who are
engaged on an annual variable basis to service the needs of our students
with Education Health and Care Plans.  These are marked ‘High Needs’.

The data you have requested is shown in the table below:

Kind regards

cid:image001.png@01D31B40.E89FF3D0 Rebecca Meara BA FCA
Executive Director of Finance

The pronouns I use are she/her
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Dear Rebecca Meara,

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately the table didn't transfer over in the subject box. Please could you try again?

Just to confirm I am referring to this academic year and by department I mean, subject area i.e. Construction and Landbased etc.

Yours sincerely,

Victoria Edgar

Rebecca Meara, Kirklees College

I am out of the office on annual leave until June 26th with limited access
to emails. 

I will respond to your email as soon as practicable on my return

Thank you

Rebecca Meara

Executive Director of Finance

Kirklees College

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Kirklees College: creating opportunity, changing lives.


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Rebecca Meara, Kirklees College

1 Attachment

Good afternoon

Apologies for the delay in getting this done for you. I have now attached an excel file and aggregated as you requested, I hope this gets through to you OK.

Departments coloured blue are teaching. Green are student support. Black are Other.

Please note that the majority of Vision for Education and Stafflex costs in Teaching departments will be agency support for English and Maths within those areas rather than agency teaching for the department subject. Our systems do not hold that aggregation electronically so if you need this I would have to levy a charge as given the volumes I expect it would take in excess of the 18 hours specified in section 12 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act to go back to source records.

Data is as extracted for the first response and therefore is not a full academic year. The data is from 1st August 2019 to 21st June 2020 and includes VAT as the majority of the VAT cost is irrecoverable by the College.

Kind regards

Rebecca Meara BA FCA
Executive Director of Finance
The pronouns I use are she/her

T: 01484 437006
M: 07500 104158
E: [email address]

Huddersfield Centre, Waterfront Quarter, Manchester Rd, Huddersfield, HD1 3LD

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