Agency spend 2017/2018
Dear Derby College,
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2017 to March 2018.
(ii) Please specify what spend relates to teaching e.g. Lecturers, Assessors, Tutors, Support workers, as opposed to ‘other’ including admin/ catering/security etc.
(iii) If possible, I would like to request the spend is broken down by agency/ employment business.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Olivia
This e-mail is to acknowledge the receipt of your FOI request dated
I can confirm that your FOI request is being looked into and we aim to
respond to you within 20 working days of your request.
Kind regards
Cheryl Tacchi |Freedom of Information|
Derby College – The Roundhouse - Pride Park - Derby DE24 8JE
Direct line: 0300 1237890| Ext: 4890 |
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Dear Olivia
Please find attached Derby College’s response to your recent Freedom of
Information request dated 14/11/18.
Kind regards
Cheryl Tacchi |Freedom of Information|
Derby College – The Roundhouse - Pride Park - Derby DE24 8JE
Direct line: 0300 1237890| Ext: 4890 |
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