Agency spend 2013-14 by agency and department

The request was partially successful.

Dear Hillcroft College,

Could you please provide me with your agency spend for Lecturers, Assessors and Support Workers for 2013-14 split by agency and department.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Hillcroft College,

Could you please respond to my FOI request as the 20 days has now passed.

Yours faithfully,


Frances Marsden,

Dear Debbie

Apologies for the delay in responding. We shall do so early next week.


Frances Marsden

Director of Corporate Services

Hillcroft College




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t:0208 339 4052 (direct)

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From: Debbie <[FOI #221297 email]>
Sent: 22 August 2014 13:36
To: Freedom of Information Recipients
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Agency spend 2013-14 by agency and department

Dear Hillcroft College,

Could you please respond to my FOI request as the 20 days has now passed.

Yours faithfully,


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Frances Marsden,

Dear Debbie

In 2013-14 Hillcroft College spent £35,422.38 with agencies on lecturers and tutorial staff . I am not able to provide you with details of the agencies involved as I consider that this information would be prejudicial to the College's commercial negotiations with the agencies. We have also not secured permission from any of the agencies to disclose this information which is also commercially significant to them. In making these decisions about non-disclosure we are following section the provisions of Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Frances Marsden
Director of Corporate Services
Hillcroft College
 T :0208 339 4052
 E: [email address]

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