Agency Spend 18/19

The request was successful.

Dear Doncaster College,

Please can you provide me with the agency spend for academic year 2018/2019 or year to date including a breakdown of each agency and department.

Yours faithfully,

Victoria Edgar

Terry Hutchinson, Doncaster College


Please see information below;

To April this Financial year (9 months)

Row Labels Grand Total £
99 Hippos Ltd 14,445
Boston Rose 121,607
Edgeware Associates 487,885
Hunter Education Ltd 73,611
JJFox Ltd 107,481
Supply Desk 42,624
Grand Total 847,652


Terry Hutchinson
Head of Registry
DN Colleges Group
Doncaster College and University Centre
Registry | The Hub | Chappell Drive | Doncaster | DN1 2RF
T: 01302 553967

show quoted sections

Dear Terry Hutchinson,

Hi Terry,

Thank you for this.

Would it be possible to have a breakdown by department please?

Yours sincerely,

Victoria Edgar

Terry Hutchinson, Doncaster College


Please see attached updated information;

Row Labels Sum of Actual
Academic  - Access 40,626
Academic  - Basic Skills 65,405
Academic  - Construction              108,087
Academic  - Engineering              642,485
Academic  - IT 26,395
Academic  - Learning support 9,986
Academic  - Sport 200
Academic - Business 142
Academic - E learning 19,063
Academic - Other 35,098
Academic - workforce admin 32,683
Admin Support 63,179
Digital Support 59,621
Grand Total          1,102,972

Kind Regards


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[2]Doncaster College and University Centre

Doncaster College is an operating division of DN Colleges Group, a Further Education Corporation


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