Agency healthcare staff usage and expenditure

Kate Simmons made this Freedom of Information request to Gwynedd Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Gwynedd Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Gwynedd Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I'd like to request the following information:

1. Does the council have a preferred agency/agencies for the supply of temporary staff within

A) Adult Social Care settings
B) Children's Social Care settings

2. What is the council's process in reviewing/appointing preferred agencies

3. Excluding care at home and domiciliary care, what was the council's total spend on agency staff in:

3a) 2022-2023 within Adult Social Care settings
3b) 2022-2023 within Children's Social Care settings
3c) 2023-2024 within Adult Social Care settings
3d) 2023-2024 within Children's Social Care settings

4. What was the total spent on agency Nurses (excluding care at home/domiciliary care) in

4a) 2022-2023
4b) 2023-2024

5. A list of the care settings where agency staff was provided via funding from Gwynedd Council over the past 12 months

Many thanks,

Kate Simmons

Gwybodaeth Oedolion, Gwynedd Council

Diolch yn fawr am eich cais diweddar o dan y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth

Mae eich cais wedi ei drosglwyddo i mi  er mwyn ei brosesu a chadarnhaf ei
fod wedi ei gofnodi o dan y rhif cyfeirnod 2025_19
Gall y Cyngor gymryd i fyny at 20 diwrnod gwaith, o’r dyddiad derbyn, i
ymateb i’ch cais. Dylech felly dderbyn y wybodaeth yr ydych wedi ei
cheisio, yn amodol ar unrhyw eithriad a ganiateir o dan y Ddeddf, erbyn

Os oes arnoch angen unrhyw wybodaeth bellach, a fyddech cystal â chysylltu
â mi drwy e-bostio [email address].cymru gan ddyfynnu’r
cyfeirnod a nodir uchod.

Yn gywir, y Tîm Rhyddid Gwybodaeth Oedolion


Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act

Your request has been passed to me to process and I can confirm that it
has been logged under the reference number 2025_19

The Council may take up to 20 working days, from the date of receipt, to
respond to your request. You should therefore receive the information you
have requested, subject to the application of any exemptions permitted
under the Act, by 29/05/2024

If you require further information please contact me by emailing
[email address].cymru by quoting the reference number

Yours sincerely, the Adult Freedom Of Information Team

Mae'r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw atodiad iddo yn gyfrinachol ac fe'i bwriedir ar
gyfer y sawl a enwir arno yn unig. Gall gynnwys gwybodaeth freintiedig. Os
yw wedi eich cyrraedd trwy gamgymeriad ni ellwch ei gopio, ei ddosbarthu
na'i ddangos i unrhyw un arall a dylech gysylltu â'r anfonwr ar unwaith.
Mae unrhyw gynnwys nad yw'n ymwneud â busnes swyddogol y corff sy'n anfon
yr e-bost yn bersonol i'r awdur.

Gall cynnwys yr e-bost hwn gael ei ddatgelu yn unol â gofynion
deddfwriaeth mewn perthynas â prosesu a rheoli data, sydd yn cynnwys y
GDPR, Deddf Diogelu Data 2018 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.

show quoted sections

Arbedwch bapur, ynni ac arian - Peidiwch argraffu'r neges yma oni bai ei
bod yn hollol angenrheidiol.
Save paper, energy and money - Do not print this message unless it is
absolutely necessary.

Rhian Wyn Powell (OEDOLION), Gwynedd Council

2 Attachments

Dear Kate Simons


Unfortunately there will be a slight delay to your Freedom of Information
request regarding appointing approved agencies and spend on agency staff.




Rhian Wyn Powell

Swyddog Gweinyddol a Gwybodaeth/Administrative and Information Officer
Adran Oedolion, Iechyd a Llesiant | Adult, Health and Wellbeing
Cyngor Gwynedd Council, Stryd y Jêl, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH


* [1][email address].cymru

( 01286 679344 (est/ext 32344)








Mae'r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw atodiad iddo yn gyfrinachol ac fe'i bwriedir ar
gyfer y sawl a enwir arno yn unig. Gall gynnwys gwybodaeth freintiedig. Os
yw wedi eich cyrraedd trwy gamgymeriad ni ellwch ei gopio, ei ddosbarthu
na'i ddangos i unrhyw un arall a dylech gysylltu â'r anfonwr ar unwaith.
Mae unrhyw gynnwys nad yw'n ymwneud â busnes swyddogol y corff sy'n anfon
yr e-bost yn bersonol i'r awdur.

Gall cynnwys yr e-bost hwn gael ei ddatgelu yn unol â gofynion
deddfwriaeth mewn perthynas â prosesu a rheoli data, sydd yn cynnwys y
GDPR, Deddf Diogelu Data 2018 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.

show quoted sections

Arbedwch bapur, ynni ac arian - Peidiwch argraffu'r neges yma oni bai ei
bod yn hollol angenrheidiol.
Save paper, energy and money - Do not print this message unless it is
absolutely necessary.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address].cymru