5 December 2016
Joan Corrigan
E: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Our ref.: FOI/16/355
Dear Ms Corrigan
RE: Freedom of Information Request – Advocacy contract with Mind Yourself
We refer to your Freedom of Information request which was received by the Western
Health and Social Care Trust on 7th November 2016.
Please see below a Trust response to your queries.
1. Please outline the complete remit for this contract
Mind Yourself provide Support, Information & a Listening Ear Service as well as
a Peer Advocacy Service to Adults with a Mental Health Problems with an aim to
alleviating Social Isolation, empowering them and increasing coping skills.
2. Please outline how much was paid to Mind Yourself over the past 3
financial years for this service, per year.
2016/17 - £28,661
2015/16 - £28,592
2014/15 - £29,578
3. Please outline if this service is restricted to certain types of mental health
conditions or if it is inclusive of all mental health conditions
This is an advocacy service for Adults with Mental Health conditions. No
restrictions are indicated in the Contract.
4. Is the jurisdiction for this service the whole of the WHSCT area?
This is an advocacy service for Adults with Mental Health conditions across the
Western Health and Social Care Trust area.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Office, Administration Building,
Altnagelvin Hospital site, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, BT47 6SB
e-mail: xxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx
5. How does the WHSCT define 'advocacy' ie what are Mind Yourself being
paid to do here.
Mind Yourself is a community and voluntary organisation contracted by the Trust
that provides a voice for people using the mental health services through user
involvement in the planning and delivery of Trust services.
We hope you find this response helpful.
Yours sincerely
(not signed – issued by email)
Freedom of Information Office
Western Health and Social Care Trust
Freedom of Information: If you are unhappy as to how this request has been handled, you have the
right to seek a review within the Trust in the first instance. You should write to the FOI Office,
Administration Building, Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Londonderry BT47 6SB
(xxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx) within two months of the date of this response and your
complaint will be considered and a response provided, usually within 20 working days of receipt.
If, after receiving a response, you remain unhappy, you can refer your complaint to the Information
Commissioner at The Information Commissioner’s office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF. It is important to note that if you refer any matter to the Information
Commissioner, you will need to show evidence of having gone through the Trust’s internal review
procedure to try to resolve the matter with the Trust in the first instance.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Office, Administration Building,
Altnagelvin Hospital site, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, BT47 6SB
e-mail: xxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx