Requests similar to 'Adults with a Learning Disability attending Day Centres'

Dear Ms Aaroy   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Ms Aaroy   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Ms Gilliland   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Tru...
Dear Mr Jones   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom Of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Trust Employees

Partially successful

Dear Mr Smyth   Please see response attached in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Mr Smyth, Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. We apologise for the de...
Dear Ms Wilde   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Mr McQuade, Please find attached response in respect of your recent FOI request to the Southern Health and Social Care Trust. Kind regards Gail...
Dear Ms Gilliland Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet Mc...
Dear Mr Smith   Please see response attached in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Mr Downey Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet McK...
Dear Ms Harvey Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet McKay...
Dear Ms Gilliland Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet Mc...
Dear Ms Gilliland   Please see response attached in respect of your recent Freedom Of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Tru...
Dear Ms Gilliland Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet Mc...
Dear Ms McCann Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet McKay...
Dear Dr McCullagh   Please see response attached in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Tru...
Dear Mr Scott-McKinley   Please see response attached in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Car...
Dear Mr Hamill Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Kind regards Janet McKay...
Dear Ms Hodges   Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust....
Dear Mr Downey Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust. We apologise for the de...
Dear Mr Power, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST I acknowledge your request which was received on 16th April 2009 requesting info...
24th April 2019 Our Ref: 2019/330 Dear Ms Lennon FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST I acknowledge your request which was received...
9th July 2021 Our Ref: FOI 608 Dear Ms Gilliland FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST I acknowledge your request which was received...
26 July 2021 Our Ref: FOI 640 Dear Ms Gilliland FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST I acknowledge your request which was received...