Information Governance Team ● The Parkhouse Building ● Kingmoor Business Park ● Carlisle ● Cumbria ● CA6 4SJ
T: 01228 221234 ● E: xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx.xx
18 October 2022
Dear Daniel ,
Freedom of Information Act 2000, Reference: FOI-59463-2022 The council has completed its search relating to your request about Adult Social Care Spending
England received on Mon, 26 Sep 2022.
Request 1. How much has the council spent on Adult Social Care (“ASC”) as a whole?
2. How much of the total ASC budget has been paid out as direct payments? What is the total number of
hours that are being commissioned?
3. How much does the council spend on care providers directly commissioned by the local authority? Of this,
how much is for domiciliary care support? What is the total number of hours that are being commissioned
both in total and just for domiciliary care/support?
4. How much does the council spend on the administration of adult social care? Please include staffing costs
e.g. management, support services, finance, secretaries, social workers or similar. It would be helpful if you
could break this down by seniority and then include the number of employees in each category (i.e. social
workers = X number of employees, costs X per annum).
5. Please indicate the total number of employees employed by ASC.
6. How many of your local authority’s customers are in receipt of a direct payment for Care Act services?
7. How many of your local authority’s customers are in receipt of support directly commissioned by the local
authority? We are only referring to domiciliary care support.
8. As part of your duties under the Care Act, do you signpost Direct Payment users to support services such
as payrol providers? |f so, which providers are signposted to?
9. Can you provide the names of the payrol providers used by your direct payment recipients, and how many
direct payment recipient use each provider?
10. Does the council pay any payrol providers directly and if so, how much?
11. Please indicate the number of direct payment recipients that use a) supported bank account, b) pre-paid
and c) traditional payment into client’s bank account (ie. separate account client uses only for their direct
Response The council does hold information within the definition of your request.
1. 21/22
Gross: 247,321,629
Net: 115,865,380
2. 21/22
13, 437, 928
Hours: Not applicable
3. 21/22
Commissioned Spend External Provision 133,936,097
Internal Provision 51,594,298
Domiciliary Care External Provision 19,539,134
Internal Provision 13,726,676
Total Hours: 3,790,739
4. 21/22
a) Senior Management: £659,226 7 FTE appx
b) Care Management £15,825,830 319 SW/Occupational Therapy etc
c) Back Office £2,640,220 73 Community Finance, Brokerage Business support etc
5. As per 2021 Skil s for Care Return: 2692
6. SALT 21/2022 LTS001b
Total in receipt of Only Direct Payments and Care Package with Direct Payments = 908
7. We are only referring to domiciliary care support. Service Plan CCC – Qtr. 4 21/22 – Snapshot as at = 1619
8. No
9. Not applicable
10. Not applicable
11. Al on prepaid cards
Disclaimer Most of the information that we provide in response to requests submitted under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 wil be subject to copyright protection. In most
cases the copyright wil be owned by Cumbria County Council. However the copyright in other information
may be owned by another person or organisation, as indicated on the information itself.
You are free to use any information supplied in this response for your own non-commercial research or private
study purposes. The information may also be used for any other purpose al owed by a limitation or exception
in copyright law, such as news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for example by publishing the
information in analogue or digital form, including on the internet, wil require the permission of the copyright
owner. Where the copyright owner is the council you wil need to make an application under the Re-use of
Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
For information where the copyright is owned by another person or organisation you must apply to the owner
to obtain their permission.
If you are dissatisfied with the way the council has responded to your request you can request an Internal
Review. If you would like to request a Review please contact the Information Governance Team using the
details at the top of this letter.
If you have any issues relating to this letter you should attempt to resolve them, in the first instance, with the
council, by requesting an Internal Review. If you would like to request a Review please contact the
Information Governance Team using the details at the top of this letter.
Further information can be found on the council’s website: http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/council-
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team