We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Dan please sign in and let everyone know.

Adult Social Care Spending England

We're waiting for Dan to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Bury Metropolitan Borough Council,

For the past seven financial years:
1. How much has the council spent on Adult Social Care (“ASC”) as a whole?
2. How much of the total ASC budget has been paid out as direct payments? What is the total number of hours that are being commissioned?
3. How much does the council spend on care providers directly commissioned by the local authority? Of this, how much is for domiciliary care support? What is the total number of hours that are being commissioned both in total and just for domiciliary care/support?
4. How much does the council spend on the administration of adult social care? Please include staffing costs e.g. management, support services, finance, secretaries, social workers or similar. It would be helpful if you could break this down by seniority and then include the number of employees in each category (i.e. social workers = X number of employees, costs X per annum).
5. Please indicate the total number of employees employed by ASC.
6. How many of your local authority’s customers are in receipt of a direct payment for Care Act services?
7. How many of your local authority’s customers are in receipt of support directly commissioned by the local authority? We are only referring to domiciliary care support.
8. As part of your duties under the Care Act, do you signpost Direct Payment users to support services such as payroll providers? |f so, which providers are signposted to?
9. Can you provide the names of the payroll providers used by your direct payment recipients, and how many direct payment recipient use each provider?
10. Does the council pay any payroll providers directly and if so, how much?
11. Please indicate the number of direct payment recipients that use a) supported bank account, b) pre-paid and c) traditional payment into client’s bank account (ie. separate account client uses only for their direct payment)?

Please ensure figures are given in a consistent format (i.e. stick to the financial year), I would like to receive the quantitative data requested (costs, number of hours, number of people etc) In accordance with ICO guidance on data sets, in a re-usable Excel format.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Bury Metropolitan Borough Council

5 Attachments

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requested information within 20 working days, unless the information
requested cannot be released or if it will take longer to provide,
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How to make a request - Bury Council



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FOI, Bury Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear requestor,

Request for Information - Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

I would like to confirm receipt of your freedom of information request. Your case reference number is: FOI 14106. Please quote this number should you need to contact us in relation to this matter in the future.  

In accordance with the FOI Act you will receive a response within 20 working days from the date we received your request.  If this is not possible, you will be advised accordingly.


Business and Executive Support Service

Department of Corporate Core Services

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FOI, Bury Metropolitan Borough Council

6 Attachments

Dear Requestor 


Please find attached the response to your FOI Request. 




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4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWjtqoO...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Dan please sign in and let everyone know.