Adult Social Care Reviews/Reassessments

The request was successful.

Dear Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. How many adult reviews/reassessments have not been undertaken within a 12 month period as of the 11/12/2018 and fall outside of Care Act Compliance?
2. Has the Council used an outside 3rd party organisation to conduct adult reviews/reassessments on behalf of the council since 1/1/2018
3. The name of the organisation(s) that undertook this work
4. The number of reviews/reassessments that were conducted
5. The total amount charged to the council for conducting this service

Yours faithfully,

Mr P T Read

Tracy Moorby, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Good Morning,


Please find attached our confirmation that we have received your request
for information.






Tracy Moorby

Information Governance Officer


Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal and Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392035


email: [email address]

Secure email: [email address]



show quoted sections

Tracy Moorby, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


Please see our letter attached asking for further clarification.






Tracy Moorby

Information Governance Officer


Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal and Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392035


email: [email address]

Secure email: [email address]



show quoted sections

Dear Tracy Moorby,

I not sure if i am using the correct term.

My request is to understand how many individual service users for whom have previously had a review conducted, have had a further review or reassessment undertaken within a 12 month period since their last review.

I hope this helps

Yours sincerely,

Mr P T Read

Tracy Moorby, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Good Afternoon Mr Read,

Thank you for your prompt response, I will go back to my colleague with your clarification and will be in contact again once I have their answer to your question.

Kind Regards


show quoted sections

Tracy Moorby, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


Please find attached our response to your recent request for information.






Tracy Moorby

Information Governance Officer


Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal and Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392035


email: [email address]

Secure email: [email address]



show quoted sections

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Read,


Please find attached our response in respect of your recent Freedom of
Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Apprentice Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481




show quoted sections

Dear Lydia Kitchen,

Can you please confirm when i will receive a response to my request.

Yours sincerely,

Mr P T Read

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council



I am away from the office with no access to emails, returning on Monday
the 25th of February,


For any queries please contact Information Management


[email address]


Thank you,


Lydia Kitchen


show quoted sections

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr P T Read,

Please find attached our previous letter that sates you will receive a response by the by 11 March 2019.

Kind regards,

Lydia Kitchen

Apprentice Information Governance Officer
CMBC Legal & Democratic Services
Town Hall
Crossley Street

Tel: 01422 392481

show quoted sections

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Read,


Please find attached our response in respect of your recent Freedom of
Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Apprentice Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481




show quoted sections