Adult Social Care Management Statistics

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, North East Lincolnshire Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Sarah Clifton-Wale

Dear North East Lincolnshire Council,

Please could you kindly tell me the following information?

How many Interim / Temporary and Contract workers do you have in a management position across Adult Social Care Services over the last 12 months.
(including Social Care, Public Health and Commissioning)

This could be at:
• Team Manager,
• Service Manager,
• Head of Service,
• Assistant Director or Consultant level.

Also – how have the council sourced their services?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Sarah Clifton-Wale

Freedom Of Information (NELC), North East Lincolnshire Council

Dear Sir or Madam


Thank you for your information request, reference number NELC/29093/2324. 
Under section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act North East Lincolnshire
Council does not hold the information you have requested.

North East Lincolnshire Council’s Adult Social Care provision merged with
the Primary Care Trust in September 2007 to form the North East
Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus, which is now the Humber and North Yorkshire
Integrated Care Board (ICB). North East Lincolnshire Council does not hold
the information to answer your query.


We would suggest you contact the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB directly
for this information; their contact details are available on the website

[1]Freedom of Information request - Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated
Care Board (ICB)

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further details.


If you believe that your request for information has not been handled in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to
request an internal review by the Council. If you wish to request an
internal review, please write to us detailing the reasons why. Please be
clear about which elements of the Council’s response or handling of the
request you are unhappy with, and would like the Council to address during
the internal review process.  If following this you are still dissatisfied
you may contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.


Yours sincerely


North East Lincolnshire Council





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