Adult Social Care - Key information in public interest

The request was successful.

Dear Suffolk County Council,

1. How much was spent in total in adult social care in the financial year 2010-2011, 2011-12 and 2012-13?

2. Please provide a breakdown of the adult social care spending 2012-13 by locality and by service user group (physical disability, learning disability, older people, sensory, mental health, other if applicable - please specify). Locality spending will be available as each team utilises a different budget code.

3. Please provide a copy (Word document if possible) of the adult social care assessment and care/support plan (general/older people applicable if multiple types of assessment available) currently in use.

4. Please provide a breakdown of the resource allocation (RAS) questions used to determine the indicative personal budget for an adult being assessed in social care (if different RAS calculators in use please provide the answers applicable to older people).

5. Please specify the number of points per RAS question and option.

6. Please specify the monetary value (£) of each RAS point. It is in the public interest to disclose these details as it directly affects the general public and is a foundation of local government's willingness to be open and accountable.

7. Please state the local authority's current eligibility level (moderate, substantial or critical) for adult social care. Has this changed since April 2010? If so - how?

8. Please state any policy conditions or alterations to the national eligibility framework when applied to adult social care (e.g. whether the eligibility is met in a global way or identified per area of care such as personal care, domestic routines, transport, carers needs, health deterioration and abuse/neglect).

9. Please state the funding bands and monetary value (£) of each band for residential and nursing placements for each service user group (physical disability, learning disability, older people, sensory, mental health, other if applicable - please specify). Has this changed since April 2010? If so - how?

10. Please state the standard funding rate (£) of each band for day services (also known as day care) for each service user group (physical disability, learning disability, older people, sensory, mental health, other if applicable - please specify). Has this changed since April 2010? If so - how?

11. Please state the standard funding rate (£) of each band for domiciliary care services (also known as home care) for each service user group (physical disability, learning disability, older people, sensory, mental health, other if applicable - please specify). Has this changed since April 2010? If so - how?

12. Does the local authority operate funding panels (also known as scrutiny, risk and validation panels) for the approval of adult social care funding requests by social workers and associated social care workers? How often do these meet? Who sits on these panels (mix of professionals and seniority)? Do they only deal with specific types of requests (e.g. residential and nursing placements only)? If there is no panel who approves funding requests? If the panel does not approval all funding requests (e.g. only placements) who approves the other requests?

13. Does adult social care operate an electronic social care record (ESCR) system such as carefirst or AIS? What system(s) is in use? Does the local authority maintain paper files for adult social care service users in addition to the electronic system? Are there any plans to change this system before May 2015? If so to what system and at what estimated cost?

14. How many qualified adult social care staff are currently in post (please provide all figures as full time equivalents FTE if possible)? What changes have occurred in the number of adult social care social workers since April 2010? If this precise information is not available please give an indication of the changes in the adult social care workforce in an appropriate period which is available. Are any changes planned or in progress regarding the number of qualified adult social care front line staff - if so, what?

15. How many non-qualified adult social care staff are currently in post (please provide all figures as full time equivalents FTE if possible)? What changes have occurred in the number of adult social care non-qualified front line staff (assistant social workers, community care officers, social care facilitators) since April 2010? If this precise information is not available please give an indication of the changes in the adult social care workforce in an appropriate period which is available. Are any changes planned or in progress regarding the number of non-qualified adult social care front line staff - if so, what?

16. What percentage of older people service users currently have a personal budget (indicative amount)?

17. What percentage of older people service users currently have a direct payment (also known as cash budget or self-managed budget)?

18. What service/support does the local authority provide to assist people with direct payments to effectively manage their budget (e.g. is an external organisation contracted to provide managed accounts? If so - who and at what annual cost?)

19. How many referrals for older people are currently pending (not yet allocated to a front line worker to carry out an assessment in the next few weeks)? This information will be available as each local authority maintains a waiting list (by whatever name) in order that pending referrals are not lost. As this changes on a daily basis this can be provided as a reliable estimate or snap shot.

20. How many adult social care assessments and reviews were completed in 2012? This figure should be available as each intervention will be recorded on the central reporting system with an outcome for audit purposes. If possible please provide a breakdown according to service user group.

Yours faithfully,

M Jones

Dear Suffolk County Council,

In addition to initial query:

21. What was the total local authority budget for 2010-11? What percentage of the budget was allocated for adult social care?

22. What is the total local authority budget for 2013-14? What percentage of the budget has been allocated for adult social care?

Yours faithfully,

M Jones

Information Management Services, Suffolk County Council

Dear M.Jones
Thank you for your request received on 20^th May requesting information
about adult care assessment.
Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within 20 working days. 
While no charges are made for the submission of requests, the council is
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postage etc).  Where such costs are under £5.00 the council is pleased to
make no charge, however, if costs exceed that limit then these additional
costs are payable to the council.  Where charges will apply proper notice
will be given to you prior to the information being released.  For more
information on charges please use the following link to our website:
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact us. 
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely,
Information Management Services
Corporate Information and Records Management
Information and Data Management
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
Russell Road
Tel:    01473 264620
Fax:    01473 216843
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Information Management Services, Suffolk County Council

Dear M. Jones
Thank you for your request received on 21^st May 2013 requesting
information about budget was allocated for adult social care.
Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within 20 working days. 
While no charges are made for the submission of requests, the council is
entitled to apply reasonable costs for disbursements (i.e. photocopying,
postage etc).  Where such costs are under £5.00 the council is pleased to
make no charge, however, if costs exceed that limit then these additional
costs are payable to the council.  Where charges will apply proper notice
will be given to you prior to the information being released.  For more
information on charges please use the following link to our website:
If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact us. 
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely,
Information Management Services
Corporate Information and Records Management
Information and Data Management
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
Russell Road
Tel:    01473 264620
Fax:    01473 216843
Email:  [2][email address]
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Information Management Services, Suffolk County Council

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Dear M. Jones
Thank you for your request received on 20 May 2013 requesting information
about adult care assessment. 
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Yours sincerely,
Information Management Services
Corporate Information and Records Management
Information and Data Management
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
Russell Road
Tel: 01473 264620
Fax: 01473 216843
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Information Management Services, Suffolk County Council

1 Attachment

Dear M. Jones
Thank you for your request received on 21 May 2013 requesting information
about budget was allocated for adult social care.
The information you requested is attached.  
Most information supplied by Suffolk County Council will have been
produced within the Council and will continue to be protected by
copyright.  You are free to use it for your own purposes, including for
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If you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, you
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internal review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the
date of this letter and should be sent to: Information and Data
Controller, Information Management Services, Endeavour House, 8 Russell
Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX or, alternatively, by email for the
attention of the Information and Data Controller at
[3][email address]
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision.  The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
Yours sincerely,
Information Management Services
Corporate Information and Records Management
Information and Data Management
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
Russell Road
Tel: 01473 264620
Fax: 01473 216843
Email: [4][email address]
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