We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Wake please sign in and let everyone know.

Adult Social Care in Salford

We're waiting for Jamie Wake to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Salford City Council,

Please can you answer the following questions regarding Adult Social Care in Salford?

1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks, Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc and their start/end dates
4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate) charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care providers
5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for Adult Social Care
6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in your authority to deliver Adult Social Care
7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority
8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?
9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment within your local authority as well as the number of average hours per week.
10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission health funded care?
11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult Social Care

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Wake

Haslam, Carolyn, Salford City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Wake


Please find your Freedom of Information response attached. Please accept
our apologies for the delay in responding to you.






Carolyn Haslam

Principal Information Governance Officer

Service Reform

Salford City Council

Civic Centre

Chorley Road


M27 5DA

E   [1][email address]





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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Wake please sign in and let everyone know.