Adult Social Care in Leicester

The request was successful.

Dear Leicester City Council,

Please can you answer the following questions regarding Adult Social Care in Leicester?

1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks, Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc and their start/end dates
4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate) charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care providers
5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for Adult Social Care
6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in your authority to deliver Adult Social Care
7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority
8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?
9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment within your local authority as well as the number of average hours per week.
10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission health funded care?
11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult Social Care

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Wake

info-requests, Leicester City Council

Website:                        [1]        

E-mail:                           [2][Leicester City Council request email]   

Our Ref:                         FOI 14430

Date:                              25^th September 2017


Jamie Wake

[3][FOI #433858 email]        


Dear Mr Wake,




Thank you for your email of 25^th September 2017 requesting information
about domiciliary care.


Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within twenty working days. 


If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact me.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future


Yours sincerely,


Information Governance & Risk Team

Leicester City Council



Visible links
2. mailto:[Leicester City Council request email]
3. mailto:[FOI #433858 email]

info-requests, Leicester City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Wake


Please find attached Leicester City Council’s response to your recent
Freedom of Information request.




Iain Harrison

Information Governance & Risk Manager

Email: [1][Leicester City Council request email]”



Visible links
1. mailto:[Leicester City Council request email]