Adult Social Care in Kirklees
Dear Kirklees Borough Council,
Please can you answer the following questions regarding Adult Social Care in Kirklees?
1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks, Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc and their start/end dates
4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate) charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care providers
5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for Adult Social Care
6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in your authority to deliver Adult Social Care
7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority
8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?
9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment within your local authority as well as the number of average hours per week.
10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission health funded care?
11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult Social Care
Yours faithfully,
Jamie Wake
Dear Mr Wake
Freedom of Information request 15978 - Adult Social Care in Kirklees
I confirm receipt of your information request and that I am looking into this.
I will respond to you in due course.
Information Access Team
Legal, Governance & Monitoring
Telephone: 01484 221000 (voice activated switchboard – please ask for Freedom of Information)
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Dear Mr Wake,
Thank you for your recent enquiry.
From our preliminary assessment, it is clear that we will not be able to
answer your request without further clarification.
The Council requires further information in order to identify and locate
the information you have asked for. In particular, it would be useful to
know what timeframe you are looking at in relation to question 2, where
you ask for:
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care
through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
The service has confirmed that they can provide the actual spend for
Jan-Dec 2016, or for 2016/17, or an estimate for 2017/18. Please could you
clarify which of these is the information you are requesting?
Once you have clarified the information you require, I will action your
request. If I do not receive clarification within three months, this
question will be considered to have lapsed. (Under section 1(3) of the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a public authority need not comply with
a request unless any further information reasonably required to locate the
information is supplied).
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you would like to discuss this email, please contact the team.
Information Access Team
Legal, Governance & Monitoring
Telephone: 01484 221000 (voice activated switchboard – please ask for
Freedom of Information)
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in error - notify the sender immediately, delete it from your system, and
do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way. Kirklees Council
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Dear Mr Wake
I am writing in response to your request dated 28 September 2017. This
has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Council’s response to your specific questions is set out below:
1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private
domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017
Approximately 18000
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care
through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
The Council requested clarification from, you on 9 October 2017 in respect
of this question; the service has confirmed that they can provide the
actual spend for Jan-Dec 2016, or for 2016/17, or an estimate for
2017/18. If you are able to clarify which of these is the information you
are requesting, the Council will respond accordingly.
3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers
commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks,
Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc and their start/end dates
6 Principal Contracts and a Framework agreement (25 providers on the
framework including the 5 Principal Providers)
4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate)
charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority
for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care
The Council does hold the requested information but considers this is
exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, because the
information is reasonably accessible to you by other means, as it is
already in the public domain.
Section 21 of the Act provides that:
(1) Information which is reasonably accessible to the applicant otherwise
than under section 1 is exempt information.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)—
(a) information may be reasonably accessible to the applicant even though
it is accessible only on payment, and
(b) information is to be taken to be reasonably accessible to the
applicant if it is information which the public authority or any other
person is obliged by or under any enactment to communicate (otherwise than
by making the information available for inspection) to members of the
public on request, whether free of charge or on payment.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), information which is held by a
public authority and does not fall within subsection (2)(b) is not to be
regarded as reasonably accessible to the applicant merely because the
information is available from the public authority itself on request,
unless the information is made available in accordance with the
authority’s publication scheme and any payment required is specified in,
or determined in accordance with, the scheme.
The Council publishes adult social care fees on its website at:
5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for
Adult Social Care
We have just completed a tender and contracts were awarded w/c 01/10/2017
6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in
your authority to deliver Adult Social Care
Please see attached
7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person
responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority
Amanda Evans – [2][email address] – 01484 221000
8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic
monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?
Under the new Contracts, yes; no system had been specified, as long as
providers are able to supply the appropriate information.
9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment
within your local authority as well as the number of average hours per
As at 24.10.2016, we have 1433 direct payment service users, 1273 are
adults and 160 children.
We are unable to summarise the average hours per week as this would entail
checking individual care plans.
10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission
health funded care?
Yes. For the last 12 months, Health funded domiciliary care has also been
commissioned via our brokerage service.
11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult
Social Care
The Council does hold the requested information but considers this is
exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, because the
information is reasonably accessible to you by other means, as it is
already in the public domain.
The Council publishes its current market position statement on its website
If you are not content with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Requests for internal reviews should
be submitted within 2 months of the date of receipt of the response to
your original request and should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer,
1^st Floor, Civic Centre 3, Market Street, Huddersfield HD1 2EY.
Alternatively, you can send an email to:
[4][email address].
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you are not content with the outcome of any review you have the right
under section 50 of the 2000 Act to apply to the Information Commissioner
for a decision as to whether your request for information has been dealt
with in accordance with the requirements of the Act. The Information
Commissioner’s website is at [5] and gives more information
about the role and duties of the Commissioner. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
Legal, Governance & Monitoring
Kirklees Council
Telephone: 01484 221000 (voice activated switchboard – please ask for
Freedom of Information)
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in error - notify the sender immediately, delete it from your system, and
do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way. Kirklees Council
monitors all emails sent or received.
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