We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Wake please sign in and let everyone know.

Adult Social Care in Bedford

We're waiting for Jamie Wake to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Bedford Borough Council,

Please can you answer the following questions regarding Adult Social Care in Bedford?

1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017
2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016)
3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks, Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc and their start/end dates
4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate) charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care providers
5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for Adult Social Care
6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in your authority to deliver Adult Social Care
7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority
8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?
9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment within your local authority as well as the number of average hours per week.
10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission health funded care?
11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult Social Care

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Wake

Freedom of Information, Bedford Borough Council

Thank you for your e-mail requesting information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


We will proceed with the request which we received today. It is our
intention to have the information delivered to you as soon as possible
otherwise within the statutory 20 working days.


In consideration of the request, which may be subject to any exemptions/
exceptions the Council may rely on to refuse the request, some of which
are absolute and some of which only apply where the public interest in
maintaining the exemption/exception outweighs that in disclosing the



Please note that should you be requesting information under the
Environmental Information Regulations although we provide free access to a
wide range of information through our website, access to any public
registers which we hold and for inspecting information at our offices, we
are allowed to charge you a reasonable fee for providing certain
information.  If applicable, we will issue you with a fee notice.  This
will detail the tasks involved in responding to the request, and
associated costs.  Further information is available on the EIR page of
Bedford Borough Council’s website at the following link:





Please note that once a response has been forwarded to you an anonymised
summary of all requests appear on the Bedford Borough website at the
following link:

Our current practise is that the information will be available to view on
the web for 2 years.


Any future correspondence you may have with the Council in relation to
this matter should be emailed to [3][Bedford Borough Council request email] .


Any emails containing personal or sensitive data will be sent as ‘secure
e-mails’.  In order for you to access a secure email you will be asked to
create an account and log into the Council’s secure e-mail reply service. 
If you do receive a secure email there will be instructions explaining how
to do this.





“Confidentiality: The information contained in this e-mail and any
attachment may be confidential and may contain legally privileged
information. It is intended only for the use of the named recipient. If
you are not the named recipient, please notify us immediately and delete
it from your system. In such an event, you should not disclose the
contents of this e-mail to any other person, or print it.”


Visible links
1. http://www.bedford.gov.uk/council_and_de...
2. http://www.bedford.gov.uk/council_and_de...
3. mailto:[Bedford Borough Council request email]

Business Management Support Officer – Adults, Bedford Borough Council

1 Attachment

Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Unsecure


Dear Mr Wake


Request pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request No. 11281


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. 


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must
state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold
the information you requested.


Please find the information you requested below and attached.


1. The current average number of weekly hours commissioned to private
domiciliary care providers for Adult Social Care as of August 2017:




2. The estimated Annual Spend commissioned for Adult Domiciliary Care
through private domiciliary care providers (Based on 2016):


£9.405 million. (The Council does not hold the data for commissioned
spend, therefore we have provided actual spend for 2016/2017).


3. The type of agreements held with private domiciliary care providers
commissioned to deliver Adult Social Care services such as frameworks,
Spot Contracts, Block Contracts etc. and their start/end dates:


The Council is commissioning provision of domiciliary care services from
3rd party providers via a combination of a Framework Agreement and spot
purchasing. A new Framework Agreement for the provision of adult
domiciliary care and children’s domiciliary care and short breaks was
established on 3rd October 2016. The Framework Agreement is due to expire
on 2nd October 2018. For the purpose of ensuring that personal choice is
factored in when selecting a care provider, the Council utilises when
deemed necessary spot purchasing arrangements.


4. The lowest and highest (based on the standard daytime week day rate)
charge rates per hour of domiciliary care charged to the local authority
for Adult Social care commissioned through private domiciliary care


£12.68 to £21.30


5. When you anticipate retendering for domiciliary care services for Adult
Social Care:


Current expectation is April 2018 for new contract commencement in October
2018 however the Council reserves the right to vary this timetable.


6. The names of the current Domiciliary Care Providers commissioned in
your authority to deliver Adult Social Care.


Preferred and Approved providers are already in public domain here:
. The complete list including spot providers used when preferred/approved
cannot pick up is attached.


7. The contact Name, Email address and Contact number of the person
responsible for commissioning domiciliary care services in your authority:


George Hunt - Head of Commissioning, Bedford Borough Council, Borough
Hall, Bedford, MK42 9AP, Tel: 01234 718240 (47240), [mobile number]


8. Are commissioned providers required to use real-time electronic
monitoring to provide data to the local authority and if so which system?


The current status is that the Council prefers providers to use CM2000 for
electronic monitoring. The intention is that this will become a
requirement in 18/19.


9. The number of service users currently receiving a direct payment within
your local authority as well as the number of average hours per week:




10. Is the local authority working with health partners to commission
health funded care?


Yes,  in areas of community equipment, care homes and various schemes
under the umbrella of the Better Care Fund. Not however in the area of
home care which the inquiry is focussing on.


11. The authorities’ current market positioning statement for Adult Social


The Councils Market Position Statement is pending internal approval prior
to publication.


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial
publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder.  For
further information regarding Re-use of Public Sector information please
see link below. If after viewing the information you are for whatever
reason unhappy with our response to your application you are entitled to
pursue any dissatisfaction through the Council's Internal Review
Procedure.  Pursuant to Section 17 (7) of the Act the procedure provided
by the Council for dealing with complaints about the determination of this
request for information is the Council’s FOI Complaints Procedure, a copy
of which can be obtained on request or is set out at: 


Yours sincerely




Jenny Peck/Ruby Fairley

Business Management Support Officer - Adults’ Services

Bedford Borough Council

Borough Hall

Cauldwell Street


MK42 9AP

[3][email address]



Dear Business Management Support Officer – Adults,


Apologies for the delay in replying but please can you clarify your response to Q1 as I feel its incorrect as 14.4 hours per week commissioned to private providers seems very low. I was asking for the total number of hours of domiciliary care commissioned per week

Yours sincerely,

Jamie Wake

William Willgress, Bedford Borough Council

Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Unsecure


Hi Jamie,


Please could you confirm the following:

* Which date range you would like these figures over?

* Would you like the total or average number of weekly commissioned hours?


Yours sincerely,



William J. Willgress

System Administrator

Bedford Borough Council

Borough Hall

Cauldwell Street


MK42 9AP




show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Wake please sign in and let everyone know.