Admissions statistics for Medical School Applicants
To: Whom It May Concern (University of St Andrews School of Medicine)
From: Stanley Moore
Re: Request (Freedom of Information Act)
Date: Monday 3nd July 2023
Dear Sir/Madam,
Good Morning
I hope this email finds you well. I am a prospective international student planning to apply for medical school in the UK this year. I would like to get them as much information as possible on what I will need to decide where to apply and for my application. It would be greatly appreciated if under the Freedom of Information Act, you could please provide answers to the following questions for your 2022 and 2021 intake of students to your medical undergraduate programme. The most important answers to me are the UKCAT and BMAT ones, but as much information as possible would be greatly appreciated.
• What was your BMAT cut off scores? (or if no set cut-off, what was the lowest score an interview was offered for?)
• What was your UCAT cut off scores? (or if no set cut-off, what was the lowest score an interview was offered for?)
• What was your average BMAT scores?
• What was your average UCAT scores?
• What was your highest and lowest score for BMAT that received an offer?
• What was your highest and lowest score for UCAT that received an offer?
• What was the average profile of a successful student for their GCSE results?
• For successful candidates, what were their predicated A level grades?
• Achieved A level results- how many students were offered places based on Achieved A level results (i.e. those on gap years)?
• Deferred entries- how many deferred entries were made?
• AS results- what was the average successful AS profile ?
Admission statistics for international students
• How many applications did you receive each year for the course?
• How many interviews did you offer each year for the course?
• How many offers did you give to local students?
• How many offers did you give to International students?
• How many International students did you accept without any pre-A level qualification (i.e. GCSE/IGCSE but only on the basis of their school transcripts, as for countries like Russia, China and Hong Kong, there are no pre-A level examinations).
• Will IGCSE be weighted the same way as GCSE since it has no longer been regulated by OFQUAL from April 2020?
• What are your English language, GCSE and A-level requirements?
Many thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Wishes,
Stanley Moore
Dear Stanely,
Thank you for your information request dated 6 July 2023 asking to be supplied with admission statistics for Medical school applicants.
You will receive a response as soon as possible and within the timeframe prescribed in section 10 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 i.e. no later than 3 August 2023.
Should any clarification be needed to assist in the processing of your enquiry I will be back in touch at the earliest opportunity. In the meantime, should you have any queries about your information request please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards
June Weir
Information Assurance and Governance Officer
Office of the Principal
University of St Andrews
Walter Bower House
Main Street, Guardbridge, St Andrews KY16 0US
Fife, Scotland
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462776
Dear Stanley,
Please find attached the University’s response to your request below for
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Yours sincerely,
June Weir
Information Assurance and Governance Officer
Office of the Principal
University of St Andrews
Walter Bower House
Main Street, Guardbridge, St Andrews KY16 0US
Fife, Scotland
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462776
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