Admissions statistics for Law (M100) - King's College London

The request was successful.

John Dimitroulopoulos

Dear King’s College London,

Please provide the following data regarding undergraduate admissions to the Law LLB (M100) programme at King's College London for the following admissions cycles: 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, and 2016/2017.

Their attachment as an Excel file would be preferable, so as to facilitate their comparison and compilation.

The percentage of applicants who have achieved (I)GCSE grades prior to their application;

The average number of A*s already achieved at (I)GCSE level by applicants;
The average number of As already achieved at (I)GCSE level by applicants;
The average number of Bs already achieved at (I)GCSE level by applicants;
The average number of Cs already achieved at (I)GCSE level by applicants;

The average number of A*s already achieved at (I)GCSE level by offer holders;
The average number of As already achieved at (I)GCSE level by offer holders;
The average number of Bs already achieved at (I)GCSE level by offer holders;
The average number of Cs already achieved at (I)GCSE level by offer holders;

AS-levels (if applicable)
The percentage of applicants who have achieved AS level grades prior to their application;

The average number of As already achieved at AS level by applicants;
The average number of Bs already achieved at AS level by applicants;
The average number of Cs already achieved at AS level by applicants;
The average number of Ds already achieved at AS level by applicants;

The mean average UMS for applicants (if taken into consideration);
The mean average UMS for offer holders (if taken into consideration);

The percentage of applicants who have predicted or achieved A-level grades prior to their application (i.e. those not sitting a foreign examination, such the IB or the European Baccalaureate);

The average number of predicted A* grades for applicants studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted A grades for applicants studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted B grades for applicants studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted C grades for applicants studying A-levels.

The average number of predicted A* grades for offer holders studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted A grades for offer holders studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted B grades for offer holders studying A-levels;
The average number of predicted C grades for offer holders studying A-levels.

The average number of A-level subjects taken by applicants;
The average number of A-level subjects taken by offer holders;

The average predicted IB grade for applicants (for instance, 40);
The average predicted IB grade for applicants (for instance, 41);

LNAT (if applicable)
The average score in the multiple choice section of the LNAT held by applicants;
The average score in the multiple choice section of the LNAT held by offer holders;


The total number of applicants for the M100 course;
The total number of offer holders for the M100 course;
The offer rate for the M100 course;

The percentage of offer holders who chose your university’s M100 course as their firm choice on UCAS;
The total number of offer holders who met or exceeded their offer;
The total number of offer holders who missed their offer;
The number of offer holders who missed their offer in some way, but who were still offered a place on results day.

Yours faithfully,

John Dimitroulopoulos

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear Mr Dimitroulopoulos,

We will treat your request for information as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received by the university on 8th December 2017. We will endeavour to respond to your request within the statutory 20 working day time frame.

Please note that the university has adopted the model publication scheme and also publishes FOI responses on our Disclosure Log.

Kind regards

Jade Roche
Information Compliance Officer

King’s College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building

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Information Compliance, King's College London

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Dimitroulopoulos,

Please see attached our response to your information request.

Kind Regards

Jade Roche
Information Compliance Officer
King’s College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA

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