Admissions statistics for History (V100)
Dear University of Oxford,
I would be grateful if you could provide admissions statistics in the following categories, please:
(1) A percentage breakdown of the predicted grades of successful applicants for the History course.
For example, hypothetically, 35.4% of applicants given offers for History had predicted grades of AA*A*.
(2) A percentage breakdown of the achieved grades of successful applicants that put down the Oxford University as their 'firm' choice, for the History course.
For example, hypothetically, 37.2% of applicants given offers for History and who put down Oxford University as their 'firm choice' gained grades of AA*A*.
The most recent statistics would be preferable, please.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
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Dear Cecelia,
I write to acknowledge receipt of your request.
We shall send you a substantive response no later than the statutory deadline of 01/05/2018.
Yours sincerely,
Information Compliance Team
Council Secretariat | University of Oxford
University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD
Dear University of Oxford,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University of Oxford's handling of my FOI request 'Admissions statistics for History (V100)'.
The response to my request has been severely delayed. I should have received a substantive response no later than the statutory deadline of 01/05/2018.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Dear University of Oxford,
The information I requested has been severely and outrageously delayed. I should have received a substantive response no later than the statutory deadline of 30/04/2018. That is almost 4 months ago. I would like to please launch an internal review, and receive the requested information as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Dear Ms Knight,
I write to apologise for the long delay in replying to your FOI request of 2 April 2018.
We have been experiencing difficulties because of a significant increase in workload, arising partly from the introduction of the GDPR and partly from a general increase in the number of requests.
Our aim is to reply to your request by 7 September.
Yours sincerely
Max Todd
Assistant Registrar (Information Compliance)
Information Compliance Team
Council Secretariat
University Offices
Wellington Square
01865 280299
Dear Ms Knight,
With apologies again for the delay, I attach a reply to your two FOI
requests dated 2 April.
Yours sincerely
Max Todd
Assistant Registrar (Information Compliance)
Information Compliance Team
Council Secretariat
University Offices
Wellington Square
01865 280299
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