Admissions statistics for BSc Economics
Dear University of Bath,
May I please request the following information for the previous 5 academic years for the course Bsc Economics at University of Bath.
The specified cohort refers to home student applicants who study 3 or more A-Levels.
1) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort
2) Number of offers made to the specified cohort
3) Number of applicants who belong to the specified cohort who took Further Mathematics as one of their A-Levels
5) Mean number of A* predicted grades for offer holders from the specified cohort
6) Mean number of A* (Grade 9 or 8) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
7) Mean number of A (Grade 7) achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
8) Mean number of Grade 6 achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
9) Mean number of Grade 5-U achieved grades at GCSE, of whom received an offer from the specified cohort
Yours faithfully,
Anies Desai
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D Bean
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