This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Admissions Statistics'.

University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD 
Ref: 202407/654 
 16 August 2024 
Reply to request for information under the Freedom of Information Act  
Your ref 
Email of 22 July 2022 

I would like to request for the following information pertaining to the 2024, 2023, 2022 and 
2021 UCAS application cycles respectively: 
1. Number of Singapore domiciled applicants who applied, by UCAS cycle 2. Number of 
Singapore domiciled applicants who were offered places, by UCAS cycle 3. Number of 
Singapore domiciled applicants who were given deferred offers, by UCAS cycle 4. Number of 
Singapore domiciled applicants who were ultimately admitted, by UCAS cycle 
Dear Benjamin, 
I write in reply to your email requesting the information detailed above. 
The information is published online at the following link:  
Yours sincerely 
FOI Oxford 
Information Compliance Team