Admission to year one without having first completed reception
Dear Dovers Green Primary School,
Title of request- Children admitted to Year 1 without completing Reception year at ANY primary/infant school
In accordance with The Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to make a Freedom of Information Request. I would like the answers to be sent electronically please.
1. How many children have been admitted to Year 1 at Dovers Green Primary School without completing Reception year at ANY primary/infant school, for each academic year
2. How many children will be admitted to Dovers Green Primary School without completing Reception year at ANY primary/infant school for 2018-2019?
Yours faithfully,
Lynda Russell
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Subject: Freedom of Information request - Admission to year one without
having first completed reception
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Dear Mrs Russell
I confirm that I have received this Freedom of Information request.
As the school concerned is now closed, it is likely that you will receive a response by the beginning of September.
Yours sincerely
Wendy Hill
Business Director and Data Protection Officer
Greensand Multi Academy Trust
Mrs Russell
Re FOI Request
Apologies for the delay, but I have needed to wait for the information
over the summer closure period.
Yours sincerely
Wendy Hill
Greensand Multi-Academy Trust Registered in England Company No:10980776
Registered Office: Pendleton Rd. Reigate Surrey RH2 7NT
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