Requests similar to 'Admission Statistics (Medicine)'

A100 medicine statistics
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Mr Holland on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Holland, Thank you for your email of 30th July 2019. I am pleased to provide the following response. The attached should answer the majority...
Dear Steven Griffiths, Thank you for your FOI request dated 14th October. I am pleased to provide the following response. The attached should answer...
Medicine Admission Statistics (A100)
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Younus on .


Dear Younus Rahman,   Thank you for your further email.   We are pleased to provide the following responses.   1. The interview scoresheet...
FOI 2021/F435   Dear Brendon Rodrigo,   Thank you for your email of 21st September.   The information you have requested is available (or will be...
Medicine Admission Statistics (A100)
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Esther Baba on .

Partially successful

FOI 2024/F351 Dear Esther Baba, Thank you for your email. Please find attached some of the information you have requested. There is other inform...
Medicine A100
Response by Queen Mary University of London to whitney moriza on .


FOI 2024/F386 Dear Whitney Moriza, Thank you for your email. Please find some of the information you requested on the attached. There is other i...
FOI 2024/F411 Dear Hiu Man Christie Lau, Thank you for your emails. Please find some of the information you requested on the attached. There is...
FOI 2024/F346 Dear Anastasiya Botvinyeva, Thank you for your email. Please find attached some of the information you have requested. There is ot...
A101 Admissions Statistics form 2021-2024
Response by Queen Mary University of London to William Hopps on .

Partially successful

FOI 2024/F399 Dear William Hopps, Thank you for your email. Please find attached some of the information you have requested. There is other info...
BDS dentistry 2021 admissions statistics
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Mohamemd Farhaan on .

Partially successful

FOI 2021/F147   Dear Mohamemd Farhaan,   Thank you for your email of 19^th March.   For 2021 entry, the average UCAT score of applicants wh...
A100 Home 2022 entry
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Ritu Music on .

Awaiting internal review

FOI 2022/F125   Dear Ritu Music,   Thank you for your email.   We publish information on the numbers of applications and interviews for each adm...
Dent Stats
Response by Queen Mary University of London to J Singh on .

Partially successful

FOI 2021/F457   Dear J. Singh,   Thank you for your emails.   We are pleased to provide the following responses.   -Could you please provide me...
Dear Shamsheer Ali, Thank you for your emails. Please find some of the information you requested in the attached documents. There is other informatio...
Dear Shamsheer Ali, Thank you very much for your freedom of information request dated 7 October 2024. Please find some of the information you request...
FOI 2022/F289   Dear Selene Clarke,   Thank you for your email.   The information you have requested is either available from our website...
I note from the website that you have provided several FOI requests with a spreadsheet detailing the full admission statistics for t...
A100 Medicine Statistics
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Peter Simons on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Peter Simons   Thank you for your request of 16 January 2022. I am pleased to provide the following response.    1. Information can be fo...
FOI 2022/F312   Dear Thanbir Haque,   Thank you for your email. We get a lot of requests similar to yours.   Most of the information you ha...
Graduate Entry Medicine (A101) International Admissions
Request sent to Queen Mary University of London by Vasya S on .

Awaiting internal review

My name is Vasya S. I would like to request the following information in relation to the graduate entry medical course (A101), as it is currently not a...
May i request the reasons why the majority of overseas candidates that applied to the a101 course were rejected without an interview? Was it due to uca...
Medicine Graduate Entry Programme (A101)
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Mr Cook on .

Partially successful

FOI 2021/F555   Dear Mr. Cook,   Thank you for your email of 22^nd December 2021.   Admissions statistics concerning our programmes in the...
FOI 2021/F408   Dear Muthu Ramasamy,   Thank you for your email of 4th September.   Most of the information you have requested can be found...
Medicine Admission Statistics
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Lola KLOPP on .

Partially successful

FOI 2021/F284 Dear Lola Klopp, Thank you for your email. Yours is a very large request. We believe that most of the information can be found (or wil...
Dear Alexandra Mircescu, We acknowledge receipt of your request. I am writing to you for clarification. You have not stated any time period for your...
BDS A200 Graduate Statistics
Response by Queen Mary University of London to Amy on .

Partially successful

Dear Amy, I am afraid that we are not able to process your request until you provide a full (real) name, as required by s.8 of the Freedom of Informat...