We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Yusuf Dhaif please sign in and let everyone know.

Admission statistics Dentistry

We're waiting for Yusuf Dhaif to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear University of Bristol,

I would like to request for information for the BDS Dentistry admissions.

Please provide me an excel sheet with the following information for each of the latest 2 admission cycle for the BDS Dentistry course:

* UKCAT score
* A-level subject grades (predicted)
* Home / International (non-EU)
* Interviewed / Not interviewed
* Made an offer / Not made an offer
* Enrolled / Applicant declined offer / Applicant did not meet offer

The latest 2 admission cycle - 2016/17 and 2017/18

Yours faithfully,

Yusuf Dhaif

University of Bristol FOI mailbox, University of Bristol

Thank you for your e-mail.  The University will endeavour to respond to
your request under the Freedom of Information Act within 20 working days.
 However, we are currently experiencing a delay in providing responses.

We are currently short staffed and have a significant backlog
of requests which we are working through as quickly as we can.  This means
that some responses may be delayed beyond the statutory 20 days.  We
apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. We have contacted the
Information Commissioner’s Office to explain the situation.


We may need to ask you certain questions to clarify your request to ensure
we fully understand what information is being requested. If so, the 20
working day deadline will be calculated once we have received such


The University's A-Z index can help in locating information that is
publicly available on the University's
website: [1]http://www.bristol.ac.uk/index/


Our Publication Scheme is available
at: [2]http://www.bristol.ac.uk/media-library/s...


The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) annually publish certain
data about students and higher education, and also have a bespoke data
request service: [3]https://www.hesa.ac.uk/


For further information about the University's FOI procedure, please
see: [4]http://www.bristol.ac.uk/secretary/foi/


Visible links
1. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/index/
2. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/media-library/s...
3. https://www.hesa.ac.uk/
4. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/secretary/foi/

University of Bristol FOI mailbox, University of Bristol

Dear Yusuf Dhaif,


Freedom of Information Request: (FOI18-329)


I refer to your Freedom of Information Request received on 26^th July.  We
apologise for the delay in providing our response.  We have a significant
backlog which we are working through as quickly as we can.  We have
contacted the Information Commissioner’s Office to explain the situation.


Your Request


Please provide me an excel sheet with the following information for each
of the latest 2 admission cycle for the BDS Dentistry course:

* UKCAT score 
* A-level subject grades (predicted) 
* Home / International (non-EU) 
* Interviewed / Not interviewed 
* Made an offer / Not made an offer 
* Enrolled / Applicant declined offer / Applicant did not meet offer

The latest 2 admission cycle - 2016/17 and 2017/18 


University’s Response


Further to Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the “Act”) we
confirm that the information requested is partially held by the University
of Bristol (the “University”).


Please find the information requested in the document below.


  2016/17 2017/18
Applications Total 885 835
Home 758 734
International 127 101
Interviewed 264 245
Offer Received 187 173
Registered 68 65
Declined Offer 37 49
Did not meet Offer 12 27


Please note, some students withdrew their acceptance, deferred entry or
did not show up to register.


UKCAT Score:

Whether someone gets an interview is based on a combination of GCSE
grades, A-level predicted grades, personal statement and UKCAT score.
There is no minimum cut off just for the UKCAT score.


A-Level Subject Grades (predicted):

We are unable to provide a line by line analysis for each applicant’s
A-level subject grades as it could be possible to identify the individuals
concerned. The information is exempt from disclosure under Section 40 (2)
of the Act -third party personal information. This is an Absolute
exemption therefore there is no requirement to conduct public interest
test. Any information is exempt from disclosure under the Act if it
relates to or is supplied by another individual and disclosure of that
information would contravene any of the principles of the Data Protection
Act (1998).


All applicants who have taken A Levels and receive a standard offer must
meet the following: AAA including A in Chemistry and A in another
lab-based science. 

Graduates are required to obtain a 2:1 in their degree and BBB at A-level
including B in Chemistry and another lab-based science.


Internal Review Procedure


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request then you have a
right under Section 50 of the Act to request an internal review.  All such
requests must send to us within 40 days and must clearly state your
reference number and your reason for your request for an internal review. 
We will respond to your request for an internal review within 20 working
days of receipt.


Your request for an internal review should be sent to:-


Director of Legal Services,

Secretary’s Office,

University of Bristol,

Senate House,

Tyndall Avenue,




Or you can email your request to [University of Bristol request email],
quoting your FOI reference number at the head of this letter.


Information Commissioners Office


Should you remain dissatisfied with the final outcome of the internal
review then you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner (the
“ICO”) for an independent review.  The ICO is the Government’s Independent
Body responsible for overseeing the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the
Data Protection Act 1998 and The Environmental Information Regulations


Please note the ICO will only review cases that have exhausted the
University’s internal review procedure. All correspondence to the ICO must
quote the University’s reference number and your reasons for your appeal. 
The ICO’s contact details are as follows:-


The Information Commissioners Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,



SK9 5AF.


More information can be found at the ICO’s website
at [1]http://www.ico.org.uk


Kind Regards


Freedom of Information Team

University of Bristol


Visible links
1. http://www.ico.org.uk/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Yusuf Dhaif please sign in and let everyone know.