Admission statistics Dentistry

The request was successful.

Dear University of Liverpool,

I would like to request for information for the BDS Dentistry admissions.

Please provide me an excel sheet with the following information for each of the latest 2 admission cycle for the BDS Dentistry course:

* UKCAT score
* A-level subject grades (predicted)
* Home / International (non-EU)
* Interviewed / Not interviewed
* Made an offer / Not made an offer
* Enrolled / Applicant declined offer / Applicant did not meet offer

The latest 2 admission cycle - 2016/17 and 2017/18

Yours faithfully,

Yusuf Dhaif

foi Uof Liverpool, University of Liverpool

Dear Mr. Dhaif,

Thank you for your email of 26th July 2018 requesting information about Dentistry admissions. I am writing to let you know that we have received your request and will process it as soon as possible, and in any case within 20 working days of the day we received the request. You will hear back from us by 24th August 2018 at the latest.

It would assist us in answering your request if you could let us know whether you are a current student or staff member of the University.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Lesley Jackson, FOI Co-ordinator
The University of Liverpool, Foundation Building,
765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX

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foi Uof Liverpool, University of Liverpool

2 Attachments


[1]Mrs Lesley Jackson Freedom of Information Co-ordinator The Foundation
Building 765 Brownlow Hill Liverpool L69 7ZX F 0151 794 3272 E
[University of Liverpool request email]




21^st August 2018



Mr Yusuf Dhaif

Via email:  [2][FOI #501692 email]



Dear Mr. Dhaif,


Thank you for your email of 26^th July 2018 requesting Dentistry admission
statistics.  I am pleased to provide the information that we hold, set out
in below:-


Information relating to the last two admissions cycles for the A200 BDS
course at the University of Liverpool:


UKCAT score

We do not have a set UKCAT score cut-off point at Liverpool Dental School,
as the UKCAT scores are considered along with the Personal Statement and
academic attainments. 


A-level subject grades (predicted)

All applicants shortlisted for interview have been predicted/have achieved
grades AAA at A level (or equivalent) including Biology and Chemistry. 
Exception - Applicants registered on a widening participation scheme that
is recognised and accepted by Liverpool University or have approved
extenuating circumstances may be accepted at ABB (including Biology and


Home / International (non-EU)

2017 – 675 applications*

2018 – 783 applications*

* We do not have a set quota for the number of International students who
are accepted onto the course; we would therefore not differentiate between
an applicant who is classified as Home, EU or International.


Interviewed / Not interviewed

2017 – 337 applicants interviewed

2018 – 333 applicants interviewed


Made an offer / Not made an offer

2017 – 168 offers made

2018 – 155 offers made


Enrolled / Applicant declined offer / Applicant did not meet offer


Year of Entry Conditional/ Conditional/ Conditional/ Enrolled

Unconditional Firm Unconditional Insurance Unconditional

2017 69 52 47 57
2018 67 41 47 57


If you are not satisfied with the University’s response to your request,
you may ask the University to review it.  If you wish to do this, please
write to the Freedom of Information Reviewer, Legal, Risk & Compliance,
The University of Liverpool, The Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill,
Liverpool, L69 7ZX (email [3][University of Liverpool request email]), enclosing a copy of
your original request and explaining your complaint.  Please include an
address for correspondence.


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a
right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:-


The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Telephone:      0303 123 1113

Website: [4]  


Yours sincerely,


Lesley Jackson


Freedom of Information Co-ordinator



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