Admission Statistics
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to request the following statistical information:
1. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry (BTh, Cambridge) in 2023?
2. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry (BTh, Cambridge) in 2023?
3. In 2023, how many applicants for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry were already matriculated students of one of the constituent colleges in the University of Cambridge before attending Ridley Hall?
4. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion (Tripos, Cambridge) in 2023?
5. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion (Tripos, Cambridge) in 2023?
6. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Ministry and Mission (Common Awards) in 2023?
7. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Ministry and Mission (Common Awards) in 2023?
8. Will Ridley Hall continue offering courses for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry and Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion (Cambridge) in 2024? If not, why not?
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Κieran Νevin
Dear Kieran,
Thank you for your email requesting statistical information regarding
applicants to our courses.
Ridley Hall is not caught by the definition of a public authority for the
purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and therefore we are not
obliged to comply with requests under the legislation.
Please refer to the [1]decision notice of the ICO of 22 November 2016 with
reference: FS50635626 for more detailed analysis of the position.
Kind regards,
Katie Bowers
Administrator to the Revd Preb Dr
Isabelle Hamley [6][IMG]
Clerk to the Board of Trustees Ridley Hall Road
Student Recruitment Officer Cambridge
T: [2]+44 (0)1223 746580 CB3 9HG
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W: [5]
Office hours: [7][IMG] [8][IMG] [9][IMG] [10][IMG]
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From: Kieran Nevin <[FOI #1135606 email]>
Sent: 01 June 2024 1:54 AM
To: Ridley Hall PA <[Ridley Hall request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Admission Statistics
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to request the following statistical information:
1. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Theology for
Ministry (BTh, Cambridge) in 2023?
2. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of
Theology for Ministry (BTh, Cambridge) in 2023?
3. In 2023, how many applicants for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry
were already matriculated students of one of the constituent colleges in
the University of Cambridge before attending Ridley Hall?
4. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology,
Religion and Philosophy of Religion (Tripos, Cambridge) in 2023?
5. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of Arts in
Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion (Tripos, Cambridge) in 2023?
6. What was the number of applicants for the Bachelor of Arts in Theology,
Ministry and Mission (Common Awards) in 2023?
7. How many individuals were granted admission for the Bachelor of Arts in
Theology, Ministry and Mission (Common Awards) in 2023?
8. Will Ridley Hall continue offering courses for the Bachelor of Theology
for Ministry and Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of
Religion (Cambridge) in 2024? If not, why not?
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Κieran Νevin
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1135606 email]
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Dear Katie,
I must humbly request that you provide a reasonable adjustment to my disabilities by presenting your words in a manner that I can easily understand.
It is with regret that I must inform you of my inability to peruse the text as it currently stands. Might I trouble you to furnish your reply in a formal PDF correspondence, formatted in a style that is accessible to me, with plain English and a large print font size of no less than 16?
Your kind consideration in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Kieran Nevin
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