Dear Queen Mary, University of London,
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergra...
FOI 00186/2017
Dear Kumar Cherian
Thank you for your recent information request.
Please find attached the following documents;
1. Copy of your requ...
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate BDS Dentistry course (A206).
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate Dentistry BDS course (A200).
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate Dentistry BDS course (A200).
Dear King’s College London,
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate Denti...
Dear Mr Cherian
Please find attached a response, in relation to your recent Freedom of
Information request.
Michelle Beegan...
Dear Mr Cherian
I write in response to your recent Freedom of Information request to
Sheffield University.
1) The admission policy including the s...
Dear Mr Cherian
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached response.
If you have any queries about this email, please con...
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate Dental Surgery BDS course (A200)....
I am writing to you with regards to the admission policy for International (non-EU) applicants to the undergraduate Dental Surgery BDS course (A206)....
Dear Mr Chester
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to the A106 medical
course at The University of Manchester. Please see below o...
Dear Vida,
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to admissions statistics
for Dentistry and please find our response below for our d...
Dear Mr Sandhu
Thank you for you recent email requesting data relating to the Medicine
admissions cycle at The University of Manchester and plea...
Dear Mr Xue
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to BDS Dentistry
admission statistics. This data is being refused as the Universit...
Dear Mr Kahn
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to the Medicine degree
at The University of Manchester. Part of the requested dat...
Dear Shamsheer Ali,
Thank you for your emails.
Please find some of the information you requested in the attached documents. There is other informatio...
Dear Shamsheer Ali,
Thank you very much for your freedom of information request dated 7 October 2024.
Please find some of the information you request...
Dear Sophia Malekin,
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please find the information relating to admissions to our medicine programmes...
Dear Safiya,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 03 July 2024, our response can be f...
Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to the A106 course and
please find the response below. Question 4 is being ref...
Dear Gurshaan,
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to the Dentistry course
and please find our response below:
This informat...
Shauneen Killyleagh| Information Compliance Unit |Extension1969 | email:
[1][Queen's University Belfast request email]
[2]Logo [3]
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your email requesting the following:
Please provide me with the data of the medical admission cycles for the
Dear D Lam
Thank you for your email requesting the following data for the A106 course
at The University of Manchester.
Could you please provide st...