Action against blue badge fraud

The request was partially successful.

Dear Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council,
Question 1: Does your Authority actively take legal action against perpetrators of fraudulent use of blue badges?

Question 2: If the answer to question 1 is yes, how many cases have been prosecuted during a) 2017, b) 2018 and c) 2019 to date?

Yours faithfully,
Mark Ramius

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ramius,


Please find attached our acknowledgment in respect of your recent Freedom
of Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Apprentice Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481




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Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ramius,


Please find attached our response in respect of your Freedom of
Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Apprentice Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481




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