Accident numbers

The request was successful.

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,

Is it possible to know how many accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles have happend over the last 5 years on Wirral roads?
From that information how many occured at designated road crossings e.g zebras, traffic lights, lollops etc
Is there information on how many drivers have been prosecuted for traffic offences following any reported pedestrians/ vehicle accidents

Yours faithfully,


InfoMgr, FinDMT,

Dear Mr Kent


Thank you for your enquiry in which you asked:


Is it possible to know how many accidents involving pedestrians and
vehicles have happened over the last 5 years on Wirral roads?

From that information how many occurred at designated road crossings e.g
zebras, traffic lights, lollops etc Is there information on how many
drivers have been prosecuted for traffic offences  following any reported
pedestrians/ vehicle accidents


We can advise as follows:


Number of pedestrian/vehicle conflicts in latest 5 year period of
31/3/2018 to 30/3/23 is 450 collisions, resulting in 468 pedestrian


Our database can be interrogated using a parameter input of 'within 50m of
a crossing' but it is unable to provide any further information as the
location of school crossing patrols are not included nor is the type of
crossing able to be electronically extracted.  The locations and types of
crossings would need to be manually entered and cross referenced against
each incident.


Of the incident numbers given above, the number of pedestrian collisions
'within 50 metres of a crossing' is 23 collisions in the 5 year period of
31/3/2018 to 30/3/23, resulting in 24 pedestrian casualties.


We do not hold any recorded information in relation to prosecutions, you
will need to submit an enquiry to Merseyside Police for this information.


Yours sincerely



Lynette Paterson

Principal Information Management Officer

Resources – Digital and Improvement

Wirral Council

PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ


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