Access to Work criteria

Zoe Stead made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

Please could you supply me with detailed guidance, criteria, eligibility and thresholds which cover how staff follow guidelines in deciding on Access to Work applications from disabled people seeking support in the workplace.

Specifically, I would be looking for any staff guidelines which cover how decisions are made and communicated to applicants; any management guidance on eligibility and thresholds on levels of support; and any other criteria which are used when making decisions.

Yours faithfully,

Zoe Stead

DWP Adelphi Freedom-of-Information-Request, Department for Work and Pensions

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DWP Adelphi Freedom-of-Information-Request, Department for Work and Pensions

2 Attachments

Dear Zoe Stead,

Please find attached response to your FoI request.

Kind regards
Central FoI Team

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J Roberts left an annotation ()

' Access to Work statistics: April 2007 to March 2021'

Published 29 September 2021

'The key points from this release covering Access to Work in the financial year 2020 to 2021 are:

Access to Work provision was approved for 35,990 people

Total expenditure on Access to Work was £109.3 million

37,170 people were in receipt of Access to Work payment'

J Roberts left an annotation ()

'In 2020/21 8,130 people received an Access to Work (AtW) payment for Travel to Work (TtW), while 300 people received a payment for Travel in Work (TiW) support. '

J Roberts left an annotation ()

'The Access to Work upper limit, known as ‘cap’, provides up to £66,000 of support for disabled people, to move into and sustain employment.'