Access to Vehicle Owner Details
Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency,
I am aware that the police service to access vehicle owner details use the PNC system. Staff who use this system are subject to vetting and there are also regulars audits. Members of the Police Service have also been prosecuted when such data has wrongly been issued.
It is well documented that some of those involved in private parking companies have links to criminality.
1) Have the DVLA considered the above ?
2) How does the DVLA ensure that firms are subject to vetting ( for the avoidance of doubt membership of a tarred body is not vetting).
3) How does the DVLA know that data has not been used for nefarious purpose.
4) In 2022 how many drivers details were disclosed to private companies ?
Yours faithfully,
Michael Goodwin
Thank you for your e-mail requesting information. The DVLA are dealing with your request under the terms of The Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request has been given reference number: FOIR10383.
For information Private Parking company get their information via Kadoe and the PNC is used by the Police
I would be grateful if you can clarify, would you like the information on the PNC system or is it the DVLA providing keeper details to Private Parking Company's.
Please note that if I do not receive appropriate clarification of your information requirements within two months from the date of this email, then I will consider your request closed.
Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy and Communications Directorate | C2E | DVLA | Swansea | SA6 7JL
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