Academic journals costs & use
Dear University of Birmingham,
This is an information request under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000.
I would like to be provided with the following information about academic/scientific journals specifically. For the latest ten financial or calendar years available:
#1 - How much the institution has been spending annually for all of its subscribed online access to academic journals for each publisher the institution has any academic journal subscription with? Per year?
#2 - How much the institution has been spending annually for each individually-subscribed journal (“à la carte”, not part of a bundle package)? What are these journals (their title?) and how much were they each year?
#3 - What is the number of successful full-text article requests for each subscribed journal (and its title) for each of the latest ten financial or calendar years? Note: I would like the data as well even if a given journal was not part of the university’s academic journal subscriptions at some point during that decade, either because of a subscription that happened later or because of the cancellation of a subscription. If so, please indicate it clearly for the year for which it applies (for instance, with an “X”, “Not subscribed”, etc.).
Please provide the data in a data file format like .csv .xslx, etc. Unless it would be much easier or quicker for you otherwise, please provide the requested data in three separate documents (one for Question #1, another for #2, and the last one for #3).
Some parts of this request may be easier to answer than others, and should this prove to be the case I would ask that you release available data as soon as possible rather than hold up the entire request.
Please let me know if my request exceeds the resources limit levelled by the FOI Act of 2000, and I would be glad to narrow it down. It is legally required for the institution to let me know if that is the case.
As well, if you need any clarification, then please contact me via email. Under your section 16 duty to provide advice and assistance I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way.
I thank you very much, please do not hesitate to contact me if needed.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Carufel
Dear Mr Carufel
Thank you for your request for information below which the University of Birmingham is processing under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. If a fee is payable a fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Freedom of Information Team
University of Birmingham
From: [FOI #471257 email] [[FOI #471257 email]]
Sent: 14 March 2018 21:33
To: FOI requests at University of Birmingham
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Academic journals costs & use
Dear University of Birmingham,
This is an information request under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000.
I would like to be provided with the following information about academic/scientific journals specifically. For the latest ten financial or calendar years available:
#1 - How much the institution has been spending annually for all of its subscribed online access to academic journals for each publisher the institution has any academic journal subscription with? Per year?
#2 - How much the institution has been spending annually for each individually-subscribed journal (“à la carte”, not part of a bundle package)? What are these journals (their title?) and how much were they each year?
#3 - What is the number of successful full-text article requests for each subscribed journal (and its title) for each of the latest ten financial or calendar years? Note: I would like the data as well even if a given journal was not part of the university’s academic journal subscriptions at some point during that decade, either because of a subscription that happened later or because of the cancellation of a subscription. If so, please indicate it clearly for the year for which it applies (for instance, with an “X”, “Not subscribed”, etc.).
Please provide the data in a data file format like .csv .xslx, etc. Unless it would be much easier or quicker for you otherwise, please provide the requested data in three separate documents (one for Question #1, another for #2, and the last one for #3).
Some parts of this request may be easier to answer than others, and should this prove to be the case I would ask that you release available data as soon as possible rather than hold up the entire request.
Please let me know if my request exceeds the resources limit levelled by the FOI Act of 2000, and I would be glad to narrow it down. It is legally required for the institution to let me know if that is the case.
As well, if you need any clarification, then please contact me via email. Under your section 16 duty to provide advice and assistance I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way.
I thank you very much, please do not hesitate to contact me if needed.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Carufel
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #471257 email]
Is [University of Birmingham request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to University of Birmingham? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Mr Carufel
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached response.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Freedom of Information Team
University of Birmingham
From: [FOI #471257 email] [[FOI #471257 email]]
Sent: 14 March 2018 21:33
To: FOI requests at University of Birmingham
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Academic journals costs & use
Dear University of Birmingham,
This is an information request under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000.
I would like to be provided with the following information about academic/scientific journals specifically. For the latest ten financial or calendar years available:
#1 - How much the institution has been spending annually for all of its subscribed online access to academic journals for each publisher the institution has any academic journal subscription with? Per year?
#2 - How much the institution has been spending annually for each individually-subscribed journal (“à la carte”, not part of a bundle package)? What are these journals (their title?) and how much were they each year?
#3 - What is the number of successful full-text article requests for each subscribed journal (and its title) for each of the latest ten financial or calendar years? Note: I would like the data as well even if a given journal was not part of the university’s academic journal subscriptions at some point during that decade, either because of a subscription that happened later or because of the cancellation of a subscription. If so, please indicate it clearly for the year for which it applies (for instance, with an “X”, “Not subscribed”, etc.).
Please provide the data in a data file format like .csv .xslx, etc. Unless it would be much easier or quicker for you otherwise, please provide the requested data in three separate documents (one for Question #1, another for #2, and the last one for #3).
Some parts of this request may be easier to answer than others, and should this prove to be the case I would ask that you release available data as soon as possible rather than hold up the entire request.
Please let me know if my request exceeds the resources limit levelled by the FOI Act of 2000, and I would be glad to narrow it down. It is legally required for the institution to let me know if that is the case.
As well, if you need any clarification, then please contact me via email. Under your section 16 duty to provide advice and assistance I would expect you to contact me if you find this request unmanageable in any way.
I thank you very much, please do not hesitate to contact me if needed.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Carufel
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #471257 email]
Is [University of Birmingham request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to University of Birmingham? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear FOI,
I thank you for this detailed and insightful explanation as to why my request would exceed the cost limit, and thank you also for the recommended narrowed down version. I am taking good note!
I would accept to limit the scope of my request as you recommended, although I might want to maybe make it even lighter. Consider the request as follow:
For 2014 onwards (as you recommended), I would be interested in knowing...
#1 and #2 as originally requested (but on a reduced period), BUT for #1 instead of breaking down by publisher, I would like to have the information per bundle/package of subscription.
And #3 as to a particular subset - say the 10 biggest provider/packages, or a bit more if possible.
And also, as long as in the end I am able to know to which journals (packages and individual ones) the institution has subscribed (I think from #1 and #2 this is possible, nevermind this for #3 as you suggested), I would be satisfied with the information provided.
Hopefully this is helpful and manageable, thank you again!
Yours sincerely,
Steve Carufel
Dear Mr Carufel
Thank you for your revised request for information below which the University of Birmingham is processing as a new request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. If a fee is payable a fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Freedom of Information Team
University of Birmingham
From: [FOI #471257 email] [[FOI #471257 email]]
Sent: 12 April 2018 19:00
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Academic journals costs & use- ref: 2018.03.128
Dear FOI,
I thank you for this detailed and insightful explanation as to why my request would exceed the cost limit, and thank you also for the recommended narrowed down version. I am taking good note!
I would accept to limit the scope of my request as you recommended, although I might want to maybe make it even lighter. Consider the request as follow:
For 2014 onwards (as you recommended), I would be interested in knowing...
#1 and #2 as originally requested (but on a reduced period), BUT for #1 instead of breaking down by publisher, I would like to have the information per bundle/package of subscription.
And #3 as to a particular subset - say the 10 biggest provider/packages, or a bit more if possible.
And also, as long as in the end I am able to know to which journals (packages and individual ones) the institution has subscribed (I think from #1 and #2 this is possible, nevermind this for #3 as you suggested), I would be satisfied with the information provided.
Hopefully this is helpful and manageable, thank you again!
Yours sincerely,
Steve Carufel
Dear Mr Carufel
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached response.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Freedom of Information Team
University of Birmingham
From: FOI
Sent: 13 April 2018 13:45
To: [FOI #471257 email]
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Academic journals costs & use- ref: 2018.03.128
Dear Mr Carufel
Thank you for your revised request for information below which the University of Birmingham is processing as a new request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. If a fee is payable a fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Freedom of Information Team
University of Birmingham
From: [FOI #471257 email] [[FOI #471257 email]]
Sent: 12 April 2018 19:00
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Academic journals costs & use- ref: 2018.03.128
Dear FOI,
I thank you for this detailed and insightful explanation as to why my request would exceed the cost limit, and thank you also for the recommended narrowed down version. I am taking good note!
I would accept to limit the scope of my request as you recommended, although I might want to maybe make it even lighter. Consider the request as follow:
For 2014 onwards (as you recommended), I would be interested in knowing...
#1 and #2 as originally requested (but on a reduced period), BUT for #1 instead of breaking down by publisher, I would like to have the information per bundle/package of subscription.
And #3 as to a particular subset - say the 10 biggest provider/packages, or a bit more if possible.
And also, as long as in the end I am able to know to which journals (packages and individual ones) the institution has subscribed (I think from #1 and #2 this is possible, nevermind this for #3 as you suggested), I would be satisfied with the information provided.
Hopefully this is helpful and manageable, thank you again!
Yours sincerely,
Steve Carufel
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